Wah Shootout the second - I've found my Wah! (tremonti)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I just got the Tremopnti Wah...and I'm LOVING IT!!!

it's a bit more agressive than the Morley classic, but not as much as the Vox, it's got a smooth and vocal sound (I think the center frequency is a bit lower than on the Classic and the Vox and MUCH lower than on the Crybaby).
I by far prefer the longer pedal throw on the morleys (much easier to control), the automatic on/of switch is awesome for live.
for Studio use I'll probably make the "switch off delay" a bit longer, but for live short times are better I think.

anyways, here're the clips:


Morley Classic

Morley Tremonti (boost not engaged)

the sweep on the tremonti is alsmo much more even than on the other ones
yeah man, the tremonti is so much better...much more even sweep, VERY controllable (a thing that I've been missing with all the other wahs), especially if standing up on stage with adrenaline, beers etc flowing through your veins.
and that automatic on/off is the fucking shit...you can just use the Wah for single notes and don't have to bother switching shit on and off
I have the old Vai model I think with the fucking engage switch on the right side of the ... pain in the ass to hit that accurately when needed in the exact situation you describe ;)

plus I always thought the reason I couldn't get it to sound like I wanted was from poor wah technique, turns out it may have just been what I bought
yeah, that switch next to the pedal is pretty much impossible to use efficiently in a live situation, that's the reason why I actually never used a Wah live, just too much PITA...the Tremonti fixed that.

the Vai is alright, but for me it had that problem that most Wahs have...it functions more like an on/off thing, not much happens in the bottom half, than if you pass a certain point in the middle you have all the treble shit and not much more happens in the top half.
with the tremonti you've got a pretty even sweep all over the pedal's range, makes is SO MUCH more controllable if you're just looking for that smooth vocal warmth of Arch Enemy style solos etc.
it's not good for that fast funky clean stuff though, I'd always use a Crybaby or Vox for that.
i know what your saying i have a crybaby (535Q or som i forgot!) and the bad horsie 2. I like the bad horsie 2 and after a while i got used to it but the range is so small, everything happens there if you miss the range its gone :s

I might purchase the 2nd crybaby rack wah one of these days to experiment with it. Its expensive for a wah but what the heck. Good thing is you can order the pedal with a switchless mod. And oh i like not having more then one audio cable on stage.

Going to listen to that tremonti. Congrats by the way!