Wait a minute--is this the same album!?


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
I've been giving carcass's "necroticism" a spin...I got it a while ago and never loved it that much before but I dunno, all of a sudden I'm hearing all kinds of things I wasn't hearing before. I don't know what I was thinking! What a great album...any thoughts? This kinda thing ever happen to anyone else? Is it a mark of great music that it takes time to digest?
I was once given a tape with Opeth on one side, and Spineshank on the other. I said "what the bloody hell is this shit? Sing properly man!" to the Opeth, and "This is what metal is all about!" to the Spineshank.

Change is good.
The more I listened to Delieverance, the more I liked it, discovering new things and musically understanding the complexity, that lie encrypted in its simple arrangements and chord uses in most cases.
Doh! I was at your house listening to Carcass and the new Metallica, and I must have switched the CDs when I put them back. Sorry about that.
Yes, all great music takes time to digest. I find if I like something on the first listen, I tend to get bored of it pretty quick. The first time I heard Decapitated I just didn't get into it, same with Neurosis, Isis and a little Finnish folk group called Opeth. In fact most bands that I would now list as favourites I was put off by on first listen.
Hehe, today the same happened to me with Satyricon's Rebel Extravaganza. Was listening to an mp3cd and suddenly Tied in Bronzen Chains started, so I wanted to skip it, but instead, I listened to it. And liked it! :tickled:
Hahaha, yeah i love listening to opeth over and over again, i always find new things and like hidden riffs. Its like a little elf pops out of the cd and says " Hey bitch!" I think the most recent was The Funeral Portrait, towards the end, a part inthe backround solo, soo orgasmic.
The Dude said:
Yes, all great music takes time to digest. I find if I like something on the first listen, I tend to get bored of it pretty quick. The first time I heard Decapitated I just didn't get into it, same with Neurosis, Isis and a little Finnish folk group called Opeth. In fact most bands that I would now list as favourites I was put off by on first listen.

If i didn't know better i'd say you copied and pasted one of my posts. Except for that whole finnish Opeth thing. This is how i feel about all of my favorite music. NONE of it did i really get into right away, it all kind of seems not so great at first.
AlexGuinness said:
Necroticism is a fantastic album, possibly their best.
I love all their albums, but Necrotism to me, is their best. It's still gore-drenched lyrically, but with great musicianship. Ever heard of Golem? They put out an album called the 2nd Moon; concept album about the sci-fi Dune books...anyway, that album is the closest thing musically and vocally to Necrotism-era Carcass that I've ever heard..some of the melodic guitar lines are exactly like the ones you'll hear off Necrotism, there's even two or three riffs that are copies of some Heartwork riffs as well.
Yea, I love discovering subtlesties(sp?) Cult of Luna's music take a bit of time to get into but there is so much t exlore in their music
Late Night with Conan and The Daily Show are my two favorite TV shows. The Office is entertaining as well. Wish I could have seen the british version.
<crimson> said:
i never saw the office, but someone on another non UM-forum saying it was great.
tell me aboot it mr.snow.

Well, it stars Steve Carrel from The Daily Show back in the day (also the weatherman in Anchorman with Will Ferell). He is a bumbling boss with a terrible sense of humor that he uses to try to boost the morale of the employees. No laugh track. It's not a sitcom. It's set up like a 'fly-on-the-wall documentary' with the characters sometimes just to talking to the camera about the current situation. Awkward silences are commonly used instead of your usual setup and punchline jokes in sitcoms. I think it's fun to watch just cause it's something different than most of the garbage on TV. I've heard the BBC version was better but I haven't seen it so I have nothing to compare the American version to.