Want some real power metal?


Apr 8, 2009
the ONLY power metal band in my book.

also check out Angra.

GO BRAZIL!:kickass::headbang::worship:
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Well yeah, I have to agree. It's a great track. But it does JUST sound like typical power metal. It's kinda nothing new, whilst being good at the same time. If that makes any sense :lol:
Yea. I've actually been thinking about this lately. I got a friend of mine into a lot of great power metal (he pretty much fell in love with Power Quest, actually!), but that was about a year ago, and he's ventured off into a lot of generic power metal that he thinks is pretty amazing but I think is really boring and cheesy. I think it's just because I've listened to the stuff for so many years that I've become somewhat jaded and really hard to please.

Then again, I guess that applies to any genre - once you've heard so much, it's quite a feat to find something that can still impress you and grip you as much as the stuff you've loved for so long.
I don't see the point in this thread.

Not a bad song, cheers for that, but you can't say any band is definitively power metal. And yes I know of Angra thank you, they do indeed rule.
Everyone knows Angra.

i thought so but i felt i had to justify my "GO Brazil" statement.

i honestly dont see how Hibira ia generic, except for a handful of their songs but to each is own. to me they are the only power metal band that seem to actualy have energy.
i thought so but i felt i had to justify my "GO Brazil" statement.

i honestly dont see how Hibira ia generic, except for a handful of their songs but to each is own. to me they are the only power metal band that seem to actualy have energy.

nice trolling
1928. how is that trolling? do you have to point fingures and call out troll every time you see someone disagrees with another?

and no im not a fan of Power Quest (no this isnt contradicting to me first sentence, what do you want me to do lie?)

i just posted Hibria in this thread because they are both power metal and this is one of the more active threads. and i wanted to see what other people thought to cure my bordom.
1928. how is that trolling? do you have to point fingures and call out troll every time you see someone disagrees with another?

and no im not a fan of Power Quest (no this isnt contradicting to me first sentence, what do you want me to do lie?)

i just posted Hibria in this thread because they are both power metal and this is one of the more active threads. and i wanted to see what other people thought to cure my bordom.

If we want to get right down to it, it's trolling because you're posting a blatantly ignorant opinion on a message board for fans of a band that you just admitted to not even liking. I mean, to say that Hibria is 'the only power metal band with energy' is not only a really close-minded thing to say, but to say it on the Power Quest message board is also something of an insult to the band and a slap in the face to its mastermind (Steve) who posts here quite often.

It's not about someone disagreeing with another person so much as it is the ignorance of it all.
I have to agree that it's incredibly ignorant to go on a band's message board without even liking them just to advertise another band. A touch disrespectful considering the members are on here.
If we want to get right down to it, it's trolling because you're posting a blatantly ignorant opinion on a message board for fans of a band that you just admitted to not even liking. I mean, to say that Hibria is 'the only power metal band with energy' is not only a really close-minded thing to say, but to say it on the Power Quest message board is also something of an insult to the band and a slap in the face to its mastermind (Steve) who posts here quite often.

It's not about someone disagreeing with another person so much as it is the ignorance of it all.

please. the both of you, spare me with the overusage of the word "ignorant". ignorance does mean: "wtf your so mean to me your ignorant!" it means lack of knowlegde, neither of us are challenging each others knowledge of music and we have no reason to. stop being the common internet fanboy and stop putting the word "ignorant" out of context.

like i said, "im not a fan of power quest but to each is own" if your response is OMG TROLL GET OUT OF HERE then your self esteam is lower than and old mans ballsack. its not like i called for a troll for saying Hibria was bland and generic.

so i "slapped steve in the face" big deal, hes a big boy, cant he take criticism? like i said, i posted here because this is one of the more active power metal threads and i wanted to see what people thought of this EXTREMELY! underground band. i said "the only power metal band in my book". i stated my opinion, i NEVER forced it, thats what a troll is. they force their opinions. Look. this wall of text im typing isnt even twards Power Quest. so no its not trolling against them at least.
Well, if you could read, I called you out on trolling for blatantly doing something ignorant (there's that special word again) on a board when there really is no purpose for it, and continue to do so when confronted about it (not to mention being quite stubborn about it...). The only reason I brought up that you're not a Power Quest fan is because you're doing it on *their* message board. If this was a general metal forum then it wouldn't be a matter at all.

I understand that Steve can take criticism, but you're not understanding that it is to some degree an insult to say that Hibria is the only power metal band with energy and that you don't even like Power Quest on their message board. It's really that simple...
Ignorant literally means to ignore. In this case you ignore the fact that you are on a band's forum to say they're not as good as *insert band*

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

of course i said that. but ignorance doesnt simply mean to ignore. its "The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed."

but i said "In my book" (sorry for the upcomming but necessary cliche) but when someone usualy says "In my book" then its an opinion. An opinion =/= trolling. In this case its criticism. And based on your logic all negative criticisms, like the ones i gave to Power Quest (although they were never specific) are insults by default. The flaw in your logic is that criticisms arent to be taken seriously, insults are...
Im new on this forum and i see plenty of people mentioning other bands on a thread that isnt theirs. Like the one on the Symphony X board: "Do you like Opeth?" read that board, it sure as fuck isnt trolling. Its just like what i posted on this thread only instead of saying "Do you like Hibria?" i said, "Do you like Hibria? because i do more than any other power metal band."