War in 6 weeks

Dude, you know what bush want's to do?
he want's to impress daddy...
since his father didn't get Saddam (probably because 90% of the men in there look JUST LIKE SADDAM! :lol: ), and didn't cause a big war, he want's to try too...
And damn... If that election wasn't fucked up, all the people who voted for him are ignorant/dumbassess/voted for anyone...
Because DAMN! :eek:
Im mostly Scottish and Brittish.... I have some Norweigen and German in me.... but only my gandfather RIP knew who whom our relatives were in those countries..... mabye one day ill bump into a german or norsk relative... but I doubt it

the ring was never destroyed...
SSJ4SephirothX said:

I should go to bed.

Edit: :lol: Can we move this to the land 'o' spam? (CoB Off-Topic)

NP: Megadeth - Five Magics


You totally scared the shit out of me. I didn't check the date and I thought the article was gonna say BUSH DECLARES WAR ON IRAN. I was like FUCK!
This is some mighty fine thread archeology right here.

A plane just hit WTC, news at 11!