Originally posted by jeff
Killing george Bush would not make me a traitor . It would make me a saint.

I'm sorry little kid, but it would make you a fool and a traitor to this country. Why don't you take a moment to remove your hillbilly lips from Saddam Hussein's cock and perhaps you might remember there's other nations who want to see us destroyed. As far as I'm concerned, George Bush is the elected leader and America is the best place in the world to live. If you don't like it snotnose, why don't you get the fuck out? Go over to Iraq and be gassed and tortured for a while and then come back and see how much you appreciate the freedoms and opportunities this country has given you. Save your psycho babble. It's gay.

Our leaders are wrong and have been wrong for to long and there ignorance and arrogance will indeed get us all killed.

Our leaders are elected by a little thing called voting. You should try it sometime. When you're old enough that is.

I am not alone in my thoughts.

Yeah, I believe there's a a bunch of little yellow school buses with people who would agree with you.

If you also where a fan of democracy then Al Gore would be the president right now.George bush lost the actual human votes.

Go back to watching X-files little kid. ANYWAY.. Al Gore is a buffoon. His wife Tipper was head of the PMRC who tried to ban music like Testament. Remember? Oh, that's right. You were just a tadpole in your inbred daddies nutsack when that happened.


Your way of thinking is a TERRORISTS way of thinking.

Fairly sure. I'm only non-violent because when the revolution comes, I'll probably be killed by wild chihuahuas or 80-year old Communists or something like that. So peace out, people.

Bush WASN'T elected, Hannibal. He lost the popular vote...the electoral college voted him in. And they wouldn't have if African-Americans in Florida hadn't been turned away from the polls.

Jeff, do you want to avoid war, or do you just want to kill different people than our government has targeted? Either way, it's ludicrous. The peace movement doesn't need "help" like this.
Originally posted by Pyrus
Bush WASN'T elected, Hannibal. He lost the popular vote...the electoral college voted him in. And they wouldn't have if African-Americans in Florida hadn't been turned away from the polls.

first of all, if he wasn't elected, he wouldn't be President now, would he? regardless of whether he won the popular vote or not, the way our system works, he was ELECTED president by the ELECTORAL college. ELECTED, got it?

then we have the part about blacks being turned away from the polls.... umm, i don't even have a joke for this one, i'm utterly speechless. please tell me that you were being sarcastic/tongue-in-cheek when you said this, or my mind might just short-circuit.
Here's a suggestion - we hold a national vote as to whether America should go to war or not. The PEOPLE decide, not Bush - as a democracy should be. However, here's the catch. If we invade, those who voted in favor of the war are drafted first; after a certain percentage (say 50%) of those eligible are drafted, then they begin adding anti-war voters to the pool. If you're so willing to bleed for oil, then why don't you go do it?

As for black voters getting turned away: do your homework.

Firsthand accounts

Ongoing discrimination lawsuit

The Democrats didn't have the balls to make a fuss about it, unfortunately.

More links later.
Originally posted by Pyrus

As for black voters getting turned away: do your homework.

Firsthand accounts

Ongoing discrimination lawsuit

The Democrats didn't have the balls to make a fuss about it, unfortunately.

More links later.

The Democrats didn't make a fuss because they didn't have a leg to stand on. Do my homework? I did my home work buddy. Don't preach to me with your asinine Right Wing conspiracy theories because you sound like a nut. If Bush lost the election, he wouldn't be president. End of story. I don't need to go visit your left wing nutcase links to understand that. Now go hug a poor Black man who got turned away from the polls. Pppffft! LMAO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by testacat
ohh..I can not believe my eyes!!!!:eek:
all those who want war, please go first and die instead of innocent people!!!!!!!!

and jeff...I wanna hug you but there's no smiley for this:)


Um, we are at war. We've been at war since 9/11/01. We are fighting people who want to use weapons of mass destruction on us. We are at war with the Hitler of 2003. We are at war with an enemy that is hiding.
Hopefully, a terrorist will kill one of your family members due to tree huggers like yourself sympathizing with them. Then you'll understand. Until then just make like a sheep and go..Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Jeff...I agree with some things...but you're waaaaaay too extreme. You're gonna get us all killed with that talk, :lol: I'm mostly in favor with Pyrus, he didn't have as much coffee. :spin:

Hannibal, you're too fucking much! LMFAO!!!:lol: :lol:
Left wing nutcase links?

The Sacramento Observer

ABC News

Violations of the Voting Rights Act

NewsHour With Jim Lehrer

Boston.com - Poltics Section

As for your comment about hugging a black voter, I'm gonna assume that was a joke...and it was pretty funny, if so. And by the way, who exactly are we at war with? Because the War On Terrorism has no particular targets...just whoever the government decides is a threat to America. That includes, apparently, Green Party members and American citizens who happen to practice Islam. The American people are getting shafted with this vague "war" being used as an excuse to steal our civil rights.

Big deal. These are nothing but ALLEGATIONS reported by the news and nothing has been determined as fact. And these stories are also being told by left wing journalists. It's just another group of cry babies claiming "the man" is trying to keep a brother down. We've heard it a million times before and we'll hear it a million times again. In fact, all you whiny tree hugging babies excel in the art of crying about being oppressed in one way or another. Always bitching about the state of affairs but never offering any solid solutions to the problems. It was your boy Bill Clinton who did such a wonderful job of keeping Iraq and terrorism in check by ignoring it, that it allowed 9/11 to occur. We need a president who has our countries best interests in mind...not getting blow jobs from fat chicks. But hey check it out...when we bomb Iraq, I'm gonna come here and laugh.

IT'S ALL A RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY! Bwahaha! We rigged the polls just so we could go to war with Iraq! We even planned the events of 9/11. Let's ignore the Iraqi nuclear scientists who have defected to this country and informed us that Saddam's plan is to build nukes to use against us. Lets ignore the fact that Saddam was behind the first attempt to take down the World Trade Center and also the attempted assassination of Bush Sr. Lets ignore the genocide he has commited against his own people. Lets forget about all the UN Resolutions he has broken and the only reason we even have inspectors there at the moment is because of our military build up in the region. If it wasn't for that. Iraq would tell us to fuck off. Don't forget they are shooting at our pilots on a daily basis as well. But lets make George W. the real bad guy here. Too funny. It's all about the oil. Ahaha!

And by the way, who exactly are we at war with?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Are you serious? I would think a little kid with as many links to obsessing over right wing conspiracies would at least know who we're fighting. Or at least know some history on Saddam. Oh that's right...you're only interested in right wing conspiracies and not the truth. Rock on.

Because the War On Terrorism has no particular targets...

Bwahahahahahaha! I'm in tears!!!!!

just whoever the government decides is a threat to America. That includes, apparently, Green Party members and American citizens who happen to practice Islam. The American people are getting shafted with this vague "war" being used as an excuse to steal our civil rights.

:lol: Yeah, this country really sucks. Why don't you move? Be a man and not a little boy on the internet and back up your beliefs. I do. And the Democrats have done more to attack personal freedoms with their "politically correct" crap than 10 Bush administrations put together. Politically correct was instituted by Democrats and it is nothing but a stealth form of censorship.

I guess in the Liberal world of stalling, ignoring threats and feeding the status quo, we should concentrate on buildng schools and saving the whales while other countries and terrorist organizations concentrate on killing us. Lets wait until a nuclear device or a biological weapon is detonated and released in one of our major populations before we take action. :lol: :lol: :lol:

AS IF 9/11 wasn't enough.
Originally posted by Pyrus
Here's a suggestion - we hold a national vote as to whether America should go to war or not. The PEOPLE decide, not Bush - as a democracy should be. However, here's the catch. If we invade, those who voted in favor of the war are drafted first; after a certain percentage (say 50%) of those eligible are drafted, then they begin adding anti-war voters to the pool. If you're so willing to bleed for oil, then why don't you go do it?

Here's another suggestion. Since you're soooooo concerned about Saddam's well being and allowing him to stay in power, torture and kill innocent Iraqis, and plan to use weapons of mass destuction on us, why don't you buy a ticket to Iraq and become a human shield? Yeah, that's what I thought tree hugger. As for your idea of a national vote to go to war, this isn't some fuckin' Joe Millionaire/Survivor poll. You truly do sound like a nut. We vote when we elect our officials to represent us. The average American is clueless. The media uses propaganda to sway opinions. AND BUSH CANNOT DECLARE WAR. Do some research because you come off as extremely ignorant. Anyone can post dumb links that mean NOTHING. ONLY CONGRESS CAN DECLARE WAR. CONGRESS REPRESENTS THE PEOPLE. THEY ARE ELECTED. If you want to talk about polls, a recent CNN poll stated that 66% of Americans are for the war. As far as the draft...I think they should send you cowards first. ANd that's what you are. COWARDS. Your ancestors spilled their blood to allow you the lifestyle and freedom you now possess. How quickly you forget. You only have your freedom because of war. You'd rather allow a tyrant like Saddam to stay in power when you know he's gonna try and attack us sooner or later. War is a part of human history and there will never, ever be peace for any great length of time. Accept the fact that the time has come to destory our enemies...and in case you're not paying attention, we are hated. We are hated because we're the big kid on the block and the best kid on the block. But we're also the first to help any country who is in trouble.

Oh and another thing. The soldiers being deployed to the Persian Gulf were NOT DRAFTED. They are people who enlisted. They cannot be considered innocent people. THEY ARE SOLDIERS. They knew the deal when they enlisted and 99% of them are proud to serve their country...unlike cowards like you. Our soldiers are planning on fighting Saddam's military...not innocent Iraqis. You've got a lot to learn little kid. Stay in school.
Originally posted by Pyrus
Left wing nutcase links?

The Sacramento Observer

ABC News

Violations of the Voting Rights Act

NewsHour With Jim Lehrer

Boston.com - Poltics Section

As for your comment about hugging a black voter, I'm gonna assume that was a joke...and it was pretty funny, if so. And by the way, who exactly are we at war with? Because the War On Terrorism has no particular targets...just whoever the government decides is a threat to America. That includes, apparently, Green Party members and American citizens who happen to practice Islam. The American people are getting shafted with this vague "war" being used as an excuse to steal our civil rights.

well i was going to point out the faults and fallacies of this post, but hannibal beat me to the punch... the guy nailed it on the noggin. i'm pretty sure these sites would report a black man alleging that someone stole a piece of gum from him.
but, don't listen to me, i am displaying a rebel flag.
There's corruption in every goverment, even ours. Just to clear something up...yes we vote, but our votes don't really count. The Founding Fathers made it that way because the average American was too uneducated to make any kind of important decisions. The Electoral College votes are the ones that count, I don't know who makes those tho.

It probrably would have been better if the south did win the Civil War in cases like this. :lol: :lol: