Killing george Bush would not make me a traitor . It would make me a saint. Just because I was born in this country does not mean I should be a flag waving fool. Our leaders are wrong and have been wrong for to long and there ignorance and arrogance will indeed get us all killed..I am not alone in my thoughts. If you also where a fan of democracy then Al Gore would be the president right now.George bush lost the actual human votes. I thought it was we the people not we the electoral college . Either way you are a idiot .Those who support the current propaganda machine should be processed accordingly. Death to the republic .

1.Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it .

2.The conviction that the culture and interests of your nation are superior to those of any
other nation .

3. A common psycological condition , associated with hypnotic egotisim.

I sacrifice nothing to this pathetic attempt at civilization. Rotten is the core of man, yet
they cast judgment to one another from there ivory towers of righteousness. Turn there
buidings into caves for the beasts of the field. Weed out the weak and subjugate the
majority , for those who gather are a cult of consummation.
Supremacy is elite , elitists push domination. To dominate is to command. Commands
are to control. Control issues forth from will. The power of will is in harvest when self
righteousness is in bloom. Self righteousness flows from a collectively inflated ego. A
kind of swift arrogance , that has lost all form of humility . Indeed to become wise in ones
own eyes is insolent pride. The notions of a culture to believe in there superiority is
disdainfully twisted and even perverse. O flag waving fool lay down your perverted flag
of ignorance. All nations should be flattened for there resistance toward a common goal.
One humanity , one parasite. In division we are dying sperm on our way toward the
fertilization of emptiness.
Candy-coated land of liberty

The United States has a long and embarrassing history of polarizing complex issues into
asinine, media-fed dualities of good versus evil when neither side is as good or evil as
they are represented.

In totalitarian societies where there's a Executive branch of Truth, propaganda doesn't try
to control your thoughts. It just gives you the maxim. It says, "Here's the official doctrine;
don't disobey and you won't get in trouble. What you think is not of great importance to
anyone. If you get out of line we'll do something to you because we have force."
Democratic societies can't work like that, because the state is much more limited in its
capacity to dominate behavior by force. Since the voice of the people is allowed to speak
out, those in power better control what that voice says--in other words, control what
people think. One of the ways to do this is to create a political debate that appears to
embrace many opinions, but actually stays within very confined margins. You have to
make sure that both sides in the debate accept certain assumptions--and that those
assumptions are the basis of the propaganda system. As long as everyone accepts the
propaganda system, the debate is permissible.
Originally posted by jeff
I am from california .

Then why the hell do you put ALABAMA?? Whatever!


Do you really think the Testament message board is an appropriate place to get this political? I don't. We all come here to talk about the great american past time called METAL...it's a good place to get away from the type of shit you are trying to cause an argument with. This crap is shoved down our throats all day long...you're not starting your posting career with the TL board very well...are you a music fan or just another political extremist using this board as a catalyst for your propaganda? If the latter is correct...please...go away!
Killing George Bush is a bad idea...the peace movement doesn't need homicidal dumbfucks screwing everything up, and in any case if he dies Ashcroft will just have an excuse to take away even more civil liberties. The whole point is to AVOID violence.

By the way, Overkill rules.
Fuck that we need violence..It is the only way to stop the government. Once again I will say I was born in california in marin county and I lived there most of my life. I moved to Alabama a few years ago. A testament board is a great place for it.....There lyrics have always had political references...
Originally posted by MindInsane
Got that rebel flag flyin in the backwoods there Jeff?

Hahaha, this one's funny to me! I'm sure you made this assumption because of his incorrect ALABAMA location, but most people (myself) who fly a rebel flag have ideas that are almost completely opposite those of this fuck. That's why Bush and the Republican party carry every southern state during elections. But, I would very much agree with your later post, this is no place for such talks... just making a little observation, don't mind me.