Against War !

I'll play.....

*clears throat*

I'll go out on a limb her and say that war is a necessary evil.

case in point:

Tell me where modern technology HASN'T been influenced by a war of some kind and I will change my opinion.
You are saying that modern technology is a good thing?
I know I am sitting here in an airconditioned house, typing on a
computer hooked to the internet , listening to CD's on a nice
stereo, the TV's are on and tuned to the World Series.
100 years ago we were in WW I. War was good for the country
back then. Newspapers and word of mouth were all we had.
NO pollution, no need for fossil fuels from abroad, and no
using this "Technology" as a weapon against us.
The Civil War was a necessary war. WW I and WW II were
necessary wars. Our best men are merely very young men.
20 years old as an average. They give up their lives so we
have the right to disagree with our country's motives.
Each life is precious and not to be taken lightly. Yes
you are right. War is necessary. Just not all wars.
Actually I dont think even the first WW was wot they assinated the arch duke. If it was not for the reinsurance treaties no war woulda broken out in the first place....

I get what you are saying though Gatedropper, and IMO the current war is like decaf, or light beer: I can grasp the concept, I just dont see the point....
Sorry, I tend to ramble. I don't know that much about WW I. And I hate
light beer. I also hate the fact that wars exist. With this current 'conflict'
I have forgotten why we are in Iraq. I thought all this started with the US
against the taliban. We are so fuckin' dependant on oil that our leaders
will do what is in our best interest wether we agree with them our not.
United States of the Economy!
I know many of you, or some, heard that Iraq war is bush's vietnam
to me it's true, and also note that some of the soldiers refused to do they're missions....
This *war* will go on and on and on and on and on and on..........
I completely agree gatedropper! You have to wonder at which point oil become a more important resource than people. A military enterprise of this scale cost a pretty penny... and if it does go on and on and on like hypocrisy 86 is suugesting the cost will outweigh the benefit...

I am in no position to judge though...i am neither american or iraqi...i just feel that this war is becoming pointless, tedious....stupid!
Hey, my cousin is a Navigator in the USAF,
My friend joined the Marines,... etc
I used to be obsessed with military power, but now i think it stinks
All we care about is power,greed,'s sickens me...
Lil' Miss Mayhem said:
PS: I also hate light beer...sure i am girl...girls arent spose to drink beer...but i am also a drummer so i have an excuse...

A musician and a beer drinker??? Wow, a girl after my own heart!
And who says girls aren't supposed to drink a few beers?
Lemme at them!!!!
Lil' Miss Mayhem said:
Ahhhh military power... I have always prided myself in being a warlord, not much has changed....

I agree power, greed, money, all it does is lead to corruption...

Yep it all leads to the same thing... it's soooo fucking ghey..
Argh u know gatedropper...that old bitch that goes by the name of "Convention" (hope no one on the forum has that handle) whahahaha!

I have to add that I am learning drums at the moment...apparently being able to play only Black Metal Blast beats aint good enough...go figure huh...
Necessity is the Mother of Convention!!!
Or is that Invention?
No matter though, Practice Practice Practice. That is the
only way to master the drums!! And don't let anybody
discourage you by telling you that you stink. Take all those
frustrations out on the skins and pretend it is the skin of
those that ridicule you!
gatedropper said:
Necessity is the Mother of Convention!!!
Or is that Invention?
No matter though, Practice Practice Practice. That is the
only way to master the drums!! And don't let anybody
discourage you by telling you that you stink. Take all those
frustrations out on the skins and pretend it is the skin of
those that ridicule you!
