Against War !

Lil' Miss Mayhem said:
PS: I also hate light beer...sure i am girl...girls arent spose to drink beer...but i am also a drummer so i have an excuse...

Never buy a girl beer. It just makes them pee more and makes it easier for other guys to pick up on them with all the trips to the bathroom that they have to make. Use hard liquor. :Spin:

Anyways, getting back to the topic:

There is a reason for going to war. If we know that someone is going to strike first or we have been attacked. I've already served 5 years in the US Navy and was attached to 2 different Marine Corps units in my first 3 years, so I know the validity of having a strong military defense and reasons to go to war.

I have no problem with the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban refused to give up someone who had just murdered nearly 3,000 of my countrymen. We had a reason to go to war with that nation.

Iraq was not a threat, despite what anyone from the Bush adminstration would like you to believe (remember, this is the same government that declared "Mission accomplished" and since then nearly 4 times as many soldiers have been killed and 8 times as many have been wounded since that day; "...he has weapons of mass destruction...;" "...ties to al Qaeda...;"). Government agencies like the CIA told us this recently and at the start of 2001, Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice told the American public this. If Iraq was a threat to the United States, they would have a military capable of more than just shooting guns and missles into the sky to reach planes far out of range. We attacked an unarmed nation and for what? Oil? More than likely. But, if the Bush Administration would just say that's why we're there in the first place, I'd be more willing to vote for Bush in the next election.

This second front war is completely uneccesary and we need to get out of it ASAP. The only thing it has done is encouraged terrorism around the world that may soon reach these shores again. :ill:
War is one of those things that will always happen in this world. That's what i think at least.
Fights start and that's just how it'll be. The things that pissies me off is the way this latest "war" is hidden under all the political bullshit going around at the moment. It's all for money, oil or any other stuff you can think of. It's not to "save the world from evil".
Iraq probably was a mistake but we can't all just walk out now, no matter what the anti war people say. We made the mess we have to clear it up. I think Bush etc make out like they have good intentions for the palce but underneath all that i'm not so sure what they are up to.
I think it's time to have a space-war.

That way we''ll figure out how to travel at mega the speed of light.

And that would be cool, because they could play 'The ride of the valkyries' as the ship is taking off.

Yeah, that would be sweet.