Warcraft III

starcraft > warcraft III

though...... I saw some site once that was using Warcraft III and reskinning it all starcraft style

now THAT may be the neatest thing ever
It was a lot of fun for a while but I stopped playing because the bastards really only tried to balance it with the expansion. I went back after I finally got the expansion, but I'm so damned bad at it now it's sad.
Bah, the singleplayer campain is fun, but multiplayer just sucks. It's always one type of unit vs one type of other unit. No strategy at all.
AsModEe said:
Bah, the singleplayer campain is fun, but multiplayer just sucks. It's always one type of unit vs one type of other unit. No strategy at all.
Haha, what?
After playing finishing Warcraft III 443435 times, i can only play it multiplayer now..it never gets boring when playing with a real opponet, and not with the predictable "AI". The expansion was very good, and one of the few expansion sets that are worthy of purchasing (it continues the story too).
Anyway, whoever likes Warcraft III, must check "Armies Of Exigo", which is basically a copy of it, with a more RTS vibe and greater combat action. But the story is a copy .. really.
Anyway all that matters now is AOE III
Chromatose said:
starcraft > warcraft III

That couldn't be more false. I went back to play SC after WCIII and was bored as shit. I like the theme of SC more, however, so if they added the hero/creep system and other things to SCII (if they ever fucking make it) I'll probably like it more.
i got wcIII around when it came out, played it a bunch, beat it, got bored with multiplayer, haven't played it for over a year probably

scII would be teh rulage though
Eh, SC2 is a given. It will be made. Although, it could be some gay MMORPG like WoW. Imagine... WoSC. :yuk:
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
WC3... mildy entertaining for a while. No real staying power. Generic RTS with a good single player story.
yuor strategy is generic....and your posts have no staying power! eh? what say you now?!
see that's the thing

WC3 ... entertaining single player, bland ass multiplayer

SC ... single player starts off fun, but gets old REALLY fast ... multiplayer?? GREATEST THING EVER

you all are just jaded to quality games because they don't have flashy graphics.. fucking kids these days

IOfTheStorm said:
Anyway all that matters now is AOE III

quoted for truth
actually, warcraft 3's multiplayer is awesome after you get used to it. There's all sorts of scenario maps where you defend stuff. Hell, I've even been playing a Final Fantasy style single player campaign that's been fun.

I didn't like it at first 'cause I loved me some Starcraft, but Warcraft 3 is teh win now.
Chromatose said:
SC ... single player starts off fun, but gets old REALLY fast ... multiplayer?? GREATEST THING EVER

Yes ! Got some great memories..
ahhh the memories , all coming back

I haven't played SC in a long long time

we should have ourselves a big ol' RC starcraft game sometime :lol: :lol: