Warcraft III

Did you know they were supposed to make a Duke Nukem movie?? The guy who played Ivan Drago in Rocky IV would have played Duke :lol: That would have rocked for sure.

And now they're planning a movie based on Halo. I seriously hope they'll get a good director for this one. Peter Jackson maybe?

Finally, a movie on Dragonball Z. I have a feeling they'll fail with this one miserably. Like they failed making good games out of the series......

A Diablo 3 would certainly rock, but I would be even more excited by Starcraft 2. At least, they'll be releasing Starcraft: Ghost next year I think.

And about Duke Nukem Forever, rumors say it might still be under production and could be released in a certain future. (Though we all hope it won't take another 5 years)

Right now, I can only say World of Warcraft is a fucking drug. I'm sure it destroyed some people's life. Fortunately I have studies to do and can't afford to play the game too much.
so is the trend of 45874906587490867415 player video games ever going to die?

video games are like books to me: antisocial and for good reason.
Um... didn't Diablo come out in 1997? Why would they promise a sequel one year later when they were already working on Starcraft?

No, Diablo came out in 1996. There was talk of a sequel some time around 98 or 99 and it didn't come out til like 2001. I was merely exaggerating.
If I recall, Diablo 2 was only a year or so later than expected, which is actually par for the course with video games. It's too bad the developers don't control the announced release dates or we'd have more realistic expectations.

I got my wife hooked on Warcraft 3 now, so I'll probably be playing lots of it :)