also known as ass-mode
Did you know they were supposed to make a Duke Nukem movie?? The guy who played Ivan Drago in Rocky IV would have played Duke
That would have rocked for sure.
And now they're planning a movie based on Halo. I seriously hope they'll get a good director for this one. Peter Jackson maybe?
Finally, a movie on Dragonball Z. I have a feeling they'll fail with this one miserably. Like they failed making good games out of the series......
A Diablo 3 would certainly rock, but I would be even more excited by Starcraft 2. At least, they'll be releasing Starcraft: Ghost next year I think.
And about Duke Nukem Forever, rumors say it might still be under production and could be released in a certain future. (Though we all hope it won't take another 5 years)
Right now, I can only say World of Warcraft is a fucking drug. I'm sure it destroyed some people's life. Fortunately I have studies to do and can't afford to play the game too much.

And now they're planning a movie based on Halo. I seriously hope they'll get a good director for this one. Peter Jackson maybe?
Finally, a movie on Dragonball Z. I have a feeling they'll fail with this one miserably. Like they failed making good games out of the series......
A Diablo 3 would certainly rock, but I would be even more excited by Starcraft 2. At least, they'll be releasing Starcraft: Ghost next year I think.
And about Duke Nukem Forever, rumors say it might still be under production and could be released in a certain future. (Though we all hope it won't take another 5 years)
Right now, I can only say World of Warcraft is a fucking drug. I'm sure it destroyed some people's life. Fortunately I have studies to do and can't afford to play the game too much.