Warrel, after further thought I decided "The Village" is gay.

Well if you didn't like signs then I am definately gonna go see this movie.
FUCK all, there are fucking nerds on this forum board...hahaha
It was almost as bad as Signs as far as pissing people off? Daaamn. Darkspot told me it was pretty good, so I assume I must check it out, because I am her bitch. And we have had many great times mocking Signs. The kid and the glass of water? The water is always fucking CONTAMINATED, just drink something else, goddamnit!

Ahem. Time for Amos to go regain composure.
i loved it!!

most people didnt like it because it wasnt so scary, and they were disapointed by the "monster" but i found it so realistic and twisted...all those ghost and immortal serial killer movies arent real..shit like that doesnt happen in real life..but something like this might...

sorry peeps...i like reality
that doesnt matter hellraiser is still the best movie ever made

it doesnt matter thats its

i have a little list with best movies ever made...so dont go mad :p

best comedy: monty phyton: holy grail

best drama: green mile

best war: saving private ryan

best action:...i think it is ...the last samurai (that movie is kickass good)

best music: dream theater metropolis 2000: scenes from new york

best horror: i like lots of horrors but hellraiser1+2 are my fav

romantic: american beauty

romantic: american beauty

that was a good movie...its been so long since i have seen it...

i havent seen hellraiser yet...and i am not planning on doing so...it looks gay
well dont spoil it no matter how much you hated it...i have yet to see it! im going this week...i need to see this movie and the remake of the Manchurian Canidate..i need to see if it holds a candle to the original...
Alright, I'm going to spoil the ending. Don't read this post if you don't want me to ruin it.

The movie was terrible. It was not realistic in any way. Do you see any groups of people that believe they're still in the 19th century? No. And the acting was just atrocious. The only decent actor was Adrian Brody. I can sum the plot down to this:

"Oh noes! Our village is being attacked by PORKupines!"

"I'm a crazed Adrian Brody. That guy who was Mel Gibson's gay lover in Signs is going to marry my woman! Now I'm going to kill that fucker!"

"Let's send a blind girl into the evil forest filled with PORKupines... but wait! There are no PORKupines!"

"I'm Michael Pitt. Let's leave a blind girl in the evil forest all by herself. She'll be fiiiiine. She has the magic rocks!"

"I'm blind, but I still look where I point my walking stick, and never trip or walk into trees. Oh shit, a PORKupine is after me!"

"No! I'm actually a crazed Adrian Brody in a PORKupine suit! I can go around causing mayhem and killing animals without getting caught, but I'll be damned if I can catch a blind girl!"

"It's actually 2004! It was all an elaborate hoax to force people to pretend to live in the 19th century! What an amazing twist!"

"Should we tell these people the truth? I know! Let's all stand up while inspirational music plays!"


How is that more realistic that a serial killer movie? Serial killers actually exist.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Alright, I'm going to spoil the ending. Don't read this post if you don't want me to ruin it.

I loved your description of the plot - let's send a blind girl into the woods
and she'll be fine... LOL! And, Kevin, who finds her - gets the supplies
and just lets this blind chick back into the forest??? Yeah - right.
Just like in Signs - the aliens could somehow get into our atmostsphere,
which is composed of WATER among other things, but let a little girl
toss a glass of water on one and they die? Whatever! :err:
Damnit, I liked that movie...

Amos and I have extensive and priceless memories of Signs ... making fun of that movie never gets old.

Did anyone see the "documentary" the Sci-Fi Channel did on M. Night Shyamalan? "He's connected to the other side..." Fucking bullshit, all of it.
Sometimes I think you guys just arent open enough to comprehend other peoples ideas and thoughts. I liked it and the music by Hillary Hahn on violin was beautiful it was very much a mood movie. The situaionts which were presented with he blind girl ivy.There was alot of unspoken political views about our society and its downfall in this movie and its a bummer nobody caught on to these things. I really enjoyed it and I think Jacquin Phoenix did a very good job and yes Adrian Brody was great, but the girl who played Ivy did a great job. Also the acting which so many have commented on was meant to be overdramatic , it was set in a time and feeling of the Crucible and expressed many of the same feelings of a naive young society not knowing of technology and anything outside of their world.
on_THC_24-7 said:
Stealer of Dreams said:
Alright, I'm going to spoil the ending. Don't read this post if you don't want me to ruin it.

I loved your description of the plot - let's send a blind girl into the woods
and she'll be fine... LOL! And, Kevin, who finds her - gets the supplies
and just lets this blind chick back into the forest??? Yeah - right.
Just like in Signs - the aliens could somehow get into our atmostsphere,
which is composed of WATER among other things, but let a little girl
toss a glass of water on one and they die? Whatever! :err:

very good point, but they only sent the blind girl out there so she couldnt see the outside world and be amazed and comeback and tell about it....or even decide to live in the outside world....and yes i thought it was very gay how the police dude decided to let her go...yeah right!
the first shmamalamahamyan movie i actually liked

and how can you deny the acting power of WILLIAM HURT!

everyone after the movie seemed pretty bitter that it wasn't a "scary" movie, which for some reason seems to be what most were expecting

and bruce willis is a ghost

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