warrells drinking problem

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Hey NoLordy, are you "cornfed" and a "meat and potatoes" guy like me. I don't know about ledmag, but "we eat good" from where I'm from in KY. I'm not obese, but I'm 6' 2" and weigh about 220. My frame is considered large. I'm part Cherokee Indian. I know you aren't small being a VIKING.


NoLordy, I think BEER should be one of the main food groups. I like import, domestic, microbrew, etc.. Coors Light, Moosehead, Corona, Dixie, Rolling Rock, and Bud Light are my favorites. Check this quote out that I heard a professor say while in college.

Well I know I have a reputation for drinking, but let me set the record straight. Everyone in Nevermore drinks, not just me. There have been times in the past when each member has been too drunk onstage. Now we try to maintain limits and just drink enough to loosen up and have a good time....btw jeff is the one who passed out onstage...we have video of it ...very amusing actually. But seriously very rarely are any of us fucked up when we play anymore. We are taking our careers very seriously at this point as we are reaching another level. Lemmy said something in an interview once that really struck me...."this business will either turn you into an alcoholic or a drug addict"...words of wisdom from a war veteran...
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Im happy to hear that! and i don't care if people drink, but i tend to have a "mother complex" and worry about people. I also don't like the just give me a good show attitude. yes, i want a good show but i also want to have more albums, shows,videos. I hate to see people get too into drugs and alcohol and lose themselves. Too many brilliant musicians died too early. im not comparing Warrel or anyone else in Nevermore to those people or calling them alcoholics, but im glad to hear they are doing so well! I want more Nevermore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I am
Nevermore addict.

I mean what else can get you higher than lets say: lost?

i am the lost one chasing colors in the sun...

and warrel wisdom is not smthing granted. it is not value.
as LSDman would say:
create your own wisdom (i know you already have).
As for the drinking part:
Warrel 's right.b I ve seen 3 times nevermore here in Greece and all of them were hmm... very far from sober, all three times. not only warrel should get the credits then. i mean jims face was very red like NoLordy's.
Originally posted by ZANEX
Also, I believe some of the best music has been produced when the artist are doing drugs. Just listen to the intro to the song "Third Eye" by Tool. It describes how all the people who have made some of the best music have been "real fucking high." For instance, look at Aerosmith, Megadeth, Metallica, and Motley Crue. Their music was great when they were doing drugs. Now that they became sober, there music sucks in my opinion. My favorite band of all time besides NEVERMORE is BLACK SABBATH. You can't tell me SABBATH were sober when making their masterpieces. Take Care.

Are you trying to tell us that Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Angra, Kamelot, Slayer and, and, and... make/made no good music? :err:
ZANEX>>>>DUDE, I eat liek a HOG. I am 6ft2in, and i only wiegh 165 pounds. Icant gain wiehgt, Iwas 155 pnds from the 10th grade till 2 yrs ago(im 28). hahaa...I wear 31x34 levies hahahaha.

My old BASS palyer fell off the stage backwards last yr, he was on valiums, loratabs, POT, beer, and whiskey,,at the same time.haha.
Thanks for the clarification Warrel. It seems people were trying to make you out to be the "bad guy". Hell, I bet everyone on this board has gotten drunk or intoxicatred and has done some completely off the wall shit. I try to stay away from religion but i use a phrase from the bible when someone tries to come down and criticize me, I tell them "judge not lest ye be judged". I've found this tends to piss hardcore Christians off but its using their own weapon against them. Also, Lemmy is a true "war veteran" and I know niether he or Ozzy would steer you wrong with advice. Hey LSD Philosophy, its funny you mention St. Pauli Girl because the last time I tripped was on drops on a sugar cube and I had a Corona in one hand and a St Pauli in the other, trying to decide which was my favorite import beer. This was on New Years 1996-1997. Take Care.


ZANEX>>>>DUDE, I eat liek a HOG. I am 6ft2in, and i only wiegh 165 pounds. Icant gain wiehgt, Iwas 155 pnds from the 10th grade till 2 yrs ago(im 28). hahaa...I wear 31x34 levies hahahaha.

lolololol :)....hehe...i wonder if europeens will first learn feet and inch or amis will learn metre...how can you guys handle with that...i only know that 6 feet are 1,83 metre!
ledmag. I wish I could give you some of my weight. I was talking to my fiance last night and told her I thought I should be able to gain some weight. She said all my weight is from beer and Ale-8 soft drinks.Hell, I've been a 33-34 waist since high school and college, and just recently went to a 36 waist. I used to work out and lift weights until about two years ago and of course that puts weight on you. I think a guy should be able to gain some weight as he gets older (I'm nearing thirty) Yeah, one time I got real drunk at Boonesboro beach and song a Van Halen song with the band that was playing and I tried my David Lee Roth imitation and jumped off the stage(a wagon actually) and split my LEVI shorts. I would try to do flips off the wagon but would never land on my feet. I always landed on my ass in the sand.


enitharmon, I love SLAYER, FATES WARNING, DREAM THEATER, ETC.... I'm not saying that all people who are sober make bad music. As for SLAYER, I know that the guys drink and some smoke pot. I'm pretty sure Fates Warning does to. I'm not so sure about Dream Theater though. I don't mean to offend, it was just my opinion. And if someone can remain sober, more power to them. In my opinion, Some of the best music made was under the influence of drugs or refering to drugs. Examples: Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, The Beatles, Sabbath/Ozzy, Pantera, NEVERMORE, Tool, Slayer, Queensryche, etc... just to name a few. But, I do think its sad when someone Overdoses or abuses drugs. But, I guess there's a fine line between recreational drug use and abuse. Take Care.


Don't drink too much WD. I guess you heard about what happend to Lefay last year, I don't want something like that happen to Nevermore...
... all these bands have made no complex music (did I say that right?). I don't really think that Dream Theater could play (or compose) what they play live if they were drunk. And as far as I know Slayer are neither drunk nor stoned while playing live. What they do outside is their problem (and I would never expect from them to be sobber! ha,ha,ha)
Hey I am not straight edge (was that now right?), we all drink and get drunk (well...), but I think making music is something else. You can compose when you are drunk and "high" but the music is technically seen rather simple right? (That doesn't mean that it is not good).
Zanny, make that a signature...



THAT way you don't have to tpye it every time, silly. :)