Was I listening to the right Bathory?

Blackened symphonic thrash sounds about right, or symphonic extreme metal.
I wouldn't call them black, but still a really good band nonetheless
And this is the problem we have with the genre classing. I have no problem throwing out "blackened symphonic thrash" because, well, it's an accurate description. But some of these other classifications...it's like people actually sit at home and think of something catchy to say to make themselves feel better and holier than thou over us mere mortal metalheads.
lets not make thrash a sub genre with an extra shitload of subsubgenres like death metal or black metal are right now. they are closer to black metal than thrash in general. Also remember that black metal branched of from thrash metal initially, and is influenced by thrash in general. Also thrash metal doesn't have dark keyboards, and atmospheric shit in general and tremolo picking.
i'm out of this discussion, you cannot have a normal discussion with egomaniacs in general
For the longest time I thought Dimmu was kinda second rate musician-wise (except for Barker), but after playing some of their earlier stuff, it's quite difficult in places. The tremolo picking is not difficult, but the cross-string tremolo picking is pretty formidable. Emperor is the same way, although more black metal and a bit more progressive.

It's actually easier for me to play "Do Not Speak" from Anaal Nathraakh than "The Blazing Monoliths of Defiance" intro from Dimmu. Now when I say play it, I mean play it perfectly. Anyone can get close, but note for note can be quite challenging sometimes.
I don't know what happened to this thread while I slept... You turned it into some useless monster, and it took the power of Derek and Krig to fix it.

Np: Hate Forest - The Most Ancient Ones