1. most black metal is just "noise".
2. black metal is dead. no scene in cleveland.
3. unless youve listened to the new cd, your biases toward it have no credentials.
4. 80% of black metal is imagery and gimmicks. lets be serious. wearing corpse paint has no affect on the musicianship, creativity, or overall sound of a band.
too many late night trips to taco bell.
5. wearing spikes onstage is stupid.
6. satanic imagery is overplayed in modern metal. its not "shocking" to hate god anymore. big fucking deal.
7. carrying medieval weapons around doesnt impress me. i collect swords. have a whole stack of them.
8. illegible named songs.
Again. dead genre of metal. And thank god.
1. tons of music is noise. the first wave of black metal was riff driven heavy metal satanic awesomeness. second wave was faster and began the signs of atmosphere where it all needs to be taken in as a great instrumental amalgam. you can hear it in lots of judas iscariot, emperor, watain, antaeus.1. most norsecore and other shityy MUSIC is just "noise".
2. black metal is underground. no scene in cleveland.
3. unless youve listened to the new cd, your biases toward it have no credentials.
4. 80% of black metal is imagery and gimmicks. lets be serious. wearing corpse paint has no affect on the musicianship, creativity, or overall sound of a band.
5. wearing spikes onstage is stupid.
6. satanic imagery is overplayed in modern metal. its not "shocking" to hate god anymore. big fucking deal.
7. carrying medieval weapons around doesnt impress me. i collect swords. have a whole stack of them.
8. illegible named songs.
Again. dead genre of metal. And thank god.
exactly. it's national socialist."black" = evil. singing about trolls and nature isn't evil
Anyway, I think i'm done with this, I've found having an intelligent discussion of black metal is pretty much impossible on this board.