Was I listening to the right Bathory?

I wanna do a test about the definition of viking metal, and how people define it. I have uploaded 4 songs, any number of which are considered viking metal. Which do you consider viking metal and which do you consider not? Try to give a reason... The songs may be recognizable to some, but don't tell the band names, I wanna see peoples unaltered opinions:

Track 1: http://download.yousendit.com/73C8584F6AC271F9

Track 2: http://download.yousendit.com/A8E15C177B8F6706

Track 3: http://download.yousendit.com/5F92B9C7174EC4B5

Track 4: http://download.yousendit.com/EC953C834CDEF4CF
How fucking lame are you guys to look up black metal in Wikipedia? If you don't know anything about black metal, just buy Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk by Emperor for a taste. If you like it, great. If you don't, that's fine too.

There is a clear and defined difference between black metal and viking metal, without being an anal-retentive prat with sub-genre classification. Listen to Emperor and listen to Enslaved. Notice the difference? That's the difference between black and viking metal.

It's not fucking rocket science.
Enslaved is a bad example.

What if Enslaved's lyrics were about how much they love christianity instead of viking mythology? Would you still call them viking metal?

i'll preface this noting that I rarely, if ever, dabble into viking beyond Doomsword. I mean, when one band does it the absolute best, everything else is kind of irrelevent.

track 1: I could see where it would be called viking, but it's got a lot of trad/power in it. not to mention a lot of boring. it's one of those situations where you either need to stick to a genre and perfect it or leave the hall.

track 2: about 1:50 in it's got your standard viking breakdown. i don't know what it is about the fast parts, but they don't sound very black metal, despite the similiarity to ITNE. it just sounds "lighter" than bm. viking.

track 3: it's got that fast bm style, but lighter, which is pretty viking-evident. but based on everything, they definitely transcend a single genre, i'd say; or are part of some genre i don't know. folk maybe? there's just too much going on. they sound familiar, too.

track 4: just sounds viking.

also, you really cannot tell me you do not hear the musical shift between black mark and blood fire ice.

further, i was always under the impression drudhk was NSBM. yeah,. yeah. bm is in the title, but NSBM is a defined genre. defined especially by the leaders of the band. which I totally respect after a handful of fags publically ran the third wave of black metal into the fucking ground. (don't get me wrong, some third wavers are good) but it's important because NSBM is all about national proud and sometimes strays far from the darkness and evil that black metal is all the fuck about.

edit: the only reason i'm really pushing this argument is because the genre shift between black mark and bfi is so fucking SO FUCKING legendary.
Black metal doesnt need NONSTOP tremelo picking. A good example is ANY SONG FROM NEMESIS DEVINA.

Take mother north. Its definately black metal, but theres definately parts without tremelo picking. Lets just say its PREDOMINANT.

imo, black metal has gone the way of disco. its dead.

marduks new cd is pretty inspiring.
yeah. it's similar to the slipknot audience. ever see those kids walking around with music cranked at unnecessary decibels? they just want people to know they're there by listening to the most noise ever. fucking emo faggot fuck norsecore sewer swine.
I am so fucking tired of subgenres. I'm going to start calling EVERYTHING just "Metal." I guarantee some people will get pissed off to no end.
that's the best fucking method. that's all i ever try to do. unless someone goes along trying assert some authority on the subject; wrong. then i'll intervene.

i'd hate for false info to be passed along.

but considering the subjectee, I should have let it the fuck go. whatever. it kept me busy!
These two comments leave me to believe that you don't know what you are talking about.

1. most black metal is just "noise".
2. black metal is dead. no scene in cleveland.
3. unless youve listened to the new cd, your biases toward it have no credentials.
4. 80% of black metal is imagery and gimmicks. lets be serious. wearing corpse paint has no affect on the musicianship, creativity, or overall sound of a band.


too many late night trips to taco bell.

5. wearing spikes onstage is stupid.
6. satanic imagery is overplayed in modern metal. its not "shocking" to hate god anymore. big fucking deal.
7. carrying medieval weapons around doesnt impress me. i collect swords. have a whole stack of them.
8. illegible named songs.

Again. dead genre of metal. And thank god.