Was I listening to the right Bathory?

*sigh* ookaaaay

no, because though they may have some "elements", they arent similar enough to the sound to be counted, imo. ie, DB doesnt really sound that much like black metal anymore, and Cradle even less so. Oh, and DB still talks about satan all the time. But I still dont consider their new stuff to be black metal.
why's that? i'm very educated in black metal. in most metal, really. i'd be willing to bet many others are as well.

i mean, just from longevity will's become a scholar!

do you really think the satan dynamic is that lame? i mean, the reason the term black metal came about was because of that dynamic. primarily from the King and Cronos with their 50's movie inspired songs.

I didn't mean everyone, you may be well educated. I have nothing against the whole satanic thing I was merely trying to show deathstrike that his views that ALL black metal bands have that imagery and lyricism were wrong.
really though. for those looking for "serious" lyrics and craving "musicianship" go pick up some metalcore. really. it's chalk full of wild crazy riffs and solos and shit. protest the hero? sorrow of tranquillity? and actually tons more. it's unreal how many more.
anyway. I don't even really like black metal. I don't even know why I'm arguing about it. probably because it seems like every day, someone tries to get on my ass about stupid shit on this board.
I would argue that there actually is a lot of "serious" musicianship in Black Metal, especially in the second wave and newer bands. While it may not be the riffy/virtuoso of other genres, theres an attention to atmosphere which i think creates a mood that is pretty unique.
you're a fucking moron. go eat some monkeys and die horribly.

Looks like you're the fuckstain prat. You can always tell when you piss off the genre classifying assholes by their responses. You can wank all you want over what's what, but people like you are just a waste of space. Go jerk off over reviews by your fellow anal-retentive dork Nathan T. Birk in Terrorizer and stop breathing my air.

Die. Seriously. Just pull the trigger.
really though. for those looking for "serious" lyrics and craving "musicianship" go pick up some metalcore. really. it's chalk full of wild crazy riffs and solos and shit. protest the hero? sorrow of tranquillity? and actually tons more. it's unreal how many more.

actually metalcore doesn't have that much musicianship to them. Most metalcore riffs are in straight ahead 4/4 in drop c and just move a one finger power chord around the low 3 strings in minor key, their solos are most often just jerk off solos that they most of the time can't pull live (unless they are trivium who are actually technically acomplished players, but gay nonetheless).

Also shitting on the whole genre is stupid and ignorant. From what i've listened most BM bands have nothing more than crazy drumming focussing on the snare and bass drum with tremolo picking riffs and chords in random order. Some bands do that good, like Immortal in my opinion. If you don't like that is fine. However there bands like Dragonlord, Emperor, and Negura Bunget that put serious effort in their albums, and spend a lot of time to create their music, which although might not be uber technically complex it has nice melodies, and in the case of Dragonlord really good technique. I would suggest you listen to Negura Bunget's Om before shitting on black metal again and to Dragonlord's discography.
However I agree that a lot of black metal is pointless and noise, but some of it is just brilliant