Watch the "Final Product" video now!

MetalSteph said:
I dunno why we always seem to have user problems. The video is now on this page: if that helps.

And Hi Mark. Yes, tis I, the Metalsteph.

I still got

[font=verdana, arial]ERROR[/font]

To use this application with Netscape, you must use a 4.7x or 7.1 version. Download now.Please use the following error code when writing to Yahoo! Help. (Error Code: 12)

Gosh Dang it...I don't use Netscape. :( Do you have to use Netscape to use it or does Yahoo just not like me? Anybody else get this error?
That video rocks my socks! :rock: :rock:

Now I suddenly have the desire to play in a mud puddle :)
abrasiverock said:
I still got

[font=verdana, arial]ERROR[/font]

To use this application with Netscape, you must use a 4.7x or 7.1 version. Download now.Please use the following error code when writing to Yahoo! Help. (Error Code: 12)

Gosh Dang it...I don't use Netscape. :( Do you have to use Netscape to use it or does Yahoo just not like me? Anybody else get this error?

Oh shit, I think I might know... you're using Firefox/Mozilla huh? Our videos don't play through that either. So you gotta use Netscape or Explorer. I know, I suck.
You're not missing out; the video is unimpressive. Mediocre, intelligent dude might say, it is. It is.


Go me!
pretty cool. WD looks a lot more goulish in his newly svelte figure...i also watched the 'devildriver' video that came on afterwards because at first it looked hella cheesy (just playing in front a blue screen with images in the background, total high school video tech class style), but it actually kinda rules. metal with the psychodelic background was a good combo, and they look/sound like they're just havin a good time. or maybe im just high. who knows.
neal said:
pretty cool. WD looks a lot more goulish in his newly svelte figure...i also watched the 'devildriver' video that came on afterwards because at first it looked hella cheesy (just playing in front a blue screen with images in the background, total high school video tech class style), but it actually kinda rules. metal with the psychodelic background was a good combo, and they look/sound like they're just havin a good time. or maybe im just high. who knows.
that Devildriver song is actually not bad... too bad the rest of the album is boring
I love the video and the song and the album as a whole but....

someone needs to tell the dude from "The Unforgiven" that he can go home. Hes been scratching at that wall for how many years now? Someone give the geezer a bus ticket or something.
MetalSteph said:
Oh shit, I think I might know... you're using Firefox/Mozilla huh? Our videos don't play through that either. So you gotta use Netscape or Explorer. I know, I suck.
heh...yeah it wouldnt work even when i did try (atleast i could see it in slideshow form) but it hates my mozilla...but i love the mozilla!
oh and Is, i think its because you use a Mac
MetalSteph said:
Oh shit, I think I might know... you're using Firefox/Mozilla huh? Our videos don't play through that either. So you gotta use Netscape or Explorer. I know, I suck.

Yup...Firefox. You get paid extra for tech support. :worship: You figured it out, so that means you still rule! :rock:

I will try Explorer. I still have it...just never use it since I tried Firefox. It works so much better for everything but Yahoo vids. :D
the best part of the vid besides the solo where you get to see how its done is where the camera is focused on van, and in the forefront you can see a gloomy figure, then the camera suddenly refocuses and van gets gloomy and jeff gets clear. Badass.
I concur with that one dude.

It looks like an Unforgiven video sequal.

It was a good video in 1991 and its a good video now.