the phish
Jesus of the board
psalm of lydia please. It rock so fucking much to see the epic psalm of lydia jeff-steve solo duel on video. Holy shit i get chlamydia just thinking about it.
MetalSteph said:I dunno why we always seem to have user problems. The video is now on this page: if that helps.
And Hi Mark. Yes, tis I, the Metalsteph.
abrasiverock said:I still got
[font=verdana, arial]ERROR[/font]
To use this application with Netscape, you must use a 4.7x or 7.1 version. Download now.Please use the following error code when writing to Yahoo! Help. (Error Code: 12)
Gosh Dang it...I don't use Netscape.Do you have to use Netscape to use it or does Yahoo just not like me? Anybody else get this error?
that Devildriver song is actually not bad... too bad the rest of the album is boringneal said:pretty cool. WD looks a lot more goulish in his newly svelte figure...i also watched the 'devildriver' video that came on afterwards because at first it looked hella cheesy (just playing in front a blue screen with images in the background, total high school video tech class style), but it actually kinda rules. metal with the psychodelic background was a good combo, and they look/sound like they're just havin a good time. or maybe im just high. who knows.
heh...yeah it wouldnt work even when i did try (atleast i could see it in slideshow form) but it hates my mozilla...but i love the mozilla!MetalSteph said:Oh shit, I think I might know... you're using Firefox/Mozilla huh? Our videos don't play through that either. So you gotta use Netscape or Explorer. I know, I suck.
MetalSteph said:Oh shit, I think I might know... you're using Firefox/Mozilla huh? Our videos don't play through that either. So you gotta use Netscape or Explorer. I know, I suck.