Waterclime is available

My first post. Just ordered The Astral Factor from The End. Can't wait for it. Anything Mr. V touches is golden.
The album is hard to access. Compared to this one, The Focusing Blur is an easy trip and it took me about 6 months to fully get into Blur. Now I consider it to be one of nowdays moste challenging metal albums at all. Hope I won't take too long for Astral Factor because I really like what I hear. And although I listened to alot of Yes, King Crimson, Camel and some Krautrock like Birth Control or Amon Düül II lately, it alienated me in a way. Is it only me or do you really use that much disharmonics on Astral Factor?
Anyway, it's an interesting album that will get a lot of attention just to fully understand it and that's the best accomplishment an artist can achieve I'd say. Keep up the good work, Dude! ;)
Got my copy about two weeks ago and it definately took a few listens to really "Get It" ... if you want screaming and Growling this is not it ... but if you want some very classy prog-rock this album is perfect though I really cant say it sounds like a Seventies record cause it doesnt, to me it is just damn good music!!! and its good to see that Mr.V doesnt limit himself musically! I do believe he could sing the Happy Drunk Song and make it sound good!
Tyraz said:
The album is hard to access. Compared to this one, The Focusing Blur is an easy trip

Really?? I'm trying to remember how confusing "Blur" was on the first few (or even more) listens...and I'm sure it felt much weirder than the Waterclime album. But well, we're all different ;)
Gaunerin said:
Really?? I'm trying to remember how confusing "Blur" was on the first few (or even more) listens...and I'm sure it felt much weirder than the Waterclime album. But well, we're all different ;)

Well I must say that TFB was kind of confusing to me as well the first time the songs "came" to me while writing..but I could'nt resist going through the whole writing process as the material was so interesting and challanging..and I still think it was a very wise decision..it's adventurous.

mr V
Vintersorg said:
Well I must say that TFB was kind of confusing to me as well the first time the songs "came" to me while writing..but I could'nt resist going through the whole writing process as the material was so interesting and challanging..and I still think it was a very wise decision..it's adventurous.

mr V
It is. And though I first refused to really accept this confusing stuff as the new Vintersorg record (I mean, Spiral Generator was a real strike) I enjoy it the more by now that I've come to understand the music in a better way! Maybe it's because may taste went away from conventional metal into more progressive directions that I value Blur much more these days as I do with the old pagan stuff. Hope you'll explore the progressive direction even further on the next album. With kind of your own words - 'as a musician one must evolve'. ;)
The Focusing Blur was a far hard pill to swallow for me at first! I had a certain conception about Vintersorg before that album, and when I heard that album I was very confused. Suffice it to say, it was the album that turned me into a Vintersorg fan and now it's one of my favorite albums of all time!
karpsmom said:
The Focusing Blur was a far hard pill to swallow for me at first! I had a certain conception about Vintersorg before that album, and when I heard that album I was very confused. Suffice it to say, it was the album that turned me into a Vintersorg fan and now it's one of my favorite albums of all time!

that's great! Our goal is to write music for our own spiritual and mental health, but it's perfect if the music can offer something for others as well. Of course we want other to enjoy it, otherwise we would never release it, but our mission is based on art, not comercial intrests.

mr V
The last song on the Waterclime album, Timewind, has a hammond organ and synthesizers that remind me very much about Dan Swanö, in a very positive way , it's a great song and a worthy climax to a very good album!

(listen to Dan's Moontower from 1998 and you'll know what i'm talking about)

great work V
I agree, Swanö/Nightingale came to mind here and there as well. I didn't particularly think of the Moontower album though. Perhaps time to dig that one out again.
hehe, the album i wanted to dig out after listening to this record was everything else i have with Vintersorg and his projects, like eating soup with a fork - you can't get enough of his music and words.
I got it today finally. Its very different and colorful. Timewind has such a rocking groove to it. This album is an excellent canvas of expression, way to keep things fresh Mr. V!
1.- I am listening "The Astral Factor" CD, and i must say, this cd is really fresh, interesting and ethereal and epic.
“Painting Without Colours” is really a nice track, with a nice "Genesis" influence!
Excellent CD! Contratulations MR. V.

2.- Off Topic:
A question for MR.V : do you accept interviews via e- mail ?

Sigurd said:
1.- I am listening "The Astral Factor" CD, and i must say, this cd is really fresh, interesting and ethereal and epic.
“Painting Without Colours” is really a nice track, with a nice "Genesis" influence!
Excellent CD! Contratulations MR. V.

2.- Off Topic:
A question for MR.V : do you accept interviews via e- mail ?


Glad you like the cd. Regarding e-mail interviews..it takes very long time to do so I prefer phoners as time is my greatest enemy. But I can do mail-ones..but then it can take some time for me to get back.

mr V
Vintersorg said:
Glad you like the cd. Regarding e-mail interviews..it takes very long time to do so I prefer phoners as time is my greatest enemy. But I can do mail-ones..but then it can take some time for me to get back.

mr V

Hello Mr.V. Thanks for the post/answer!

Well, me and my webzine "Highlands" are very interested in make a interview with you.( if you agree of course )
How we could coordinate that?

Thank you very much again!