Waterclime is available

I got my copy in from The End Records yesterday and I love it. I usually don't listen to prog rock or anything of that sort, but I'd really like to look into the bands that mr. V listed earlier in this thread so I can get a good idea of his influences. I'm sure there is some great music there as well.

So far I'm really liking this, even though I've only seriously dissected the first few songs and the opener is my favorite so far. The vocal trade offs are a REALLY nice touch and I love to hear two great vocalists together in a single song. Great chorus, a lot of interesting things going on. Sounds that range from classical to electronica, a lot is there and it is put together very well. One thing that can always be said about mr. V is that he has an impeccable sense of melody and is a great songwriter and it is no different here with Waterclime than in any of his other bands. Everything flows very well.

The second track just has a great atmosphere. Really upbeat and it's like floating over a golden field or in the clouds and I just looked at the title and lo and behold it's called "Floating.":tickled: Great job of conveying meaning and feeling through the music, which is much more powerful than words and it's pretty remarkable to be able to transfer these kind of feelings, the same ones that you had in mind, without having to speak to someone.

Anyway, I'm going to stop for now, because I'm definitely going to review this album for Ultimate Metal here and when I do, I'll let you guys know about it.

Thanks for another great release mr. V!
Opeth17 said:
I got my copy in from The End Records yesterday and I love it. I usually don't listen to prog rock or anything of that sort, but I'd really like to look into the bands that mr. V listed earlier in this thread so I can get a good idea of his influences. I'm sure there is some great music there as well.

So far I'm really liking this, even though I've only seriously dissected the first few songs and the opener is my favorite so far. The vocal trade offs are a REALLY nice touch and I love to hear two great vocalists together in a single song. Great chorus, a lot of interesting things going on. Sounds that range from classical to electronica, a lot is there and it is put together very well. One thing that can always be said about mr. V is that he has an impeccable sense of melody and is a great songwriter and it is no different here with Waterclime than in any of his other bands. Everything flows very well.

The second track just has a great atmosphere. Really upbeat and it's like floating over a golden field or in the clouds and I just looked at the title and lo and behold it's called "Floating.":tickled: Great job of conveying meaning and feeling through the music, which is much more powerful than words and it's pretty remarkable to be able to transfer these kind of feelings, the same ones that you had in mind, without having to speak to someone.

Anyway, I'm going to stop for now, because I'm definitely going to review this album for Ultimate Metal here and when I do, I'll let you guys know about it.

Thanks for another great release mr. V!

Cool! One of the most important goal for me as a composer is to communicate through the notes..I mean I don't always think that the song will give you the same feelings as it gives me, but as long as it reaches some form of emotional stage it perfect!! I think that the second album will be even more emotional..have recorded everything except some bass and vocals.

mr V
From "Floating" i get (maybe involuntary) vibes from when Arthur Dent has learned to fly/levitate/float in the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy-series, a musical panorama to the virtues of weightlessnes and a great book too :p
Vintersorg said:
Cool! One of the most important goal for me as a composer is to communicate through the notes..I mean I don't always think that the song will give you the same feelings as it gives me, but as long as it reaches some form of emotional stage it perfect!! I think that the second album will be even more emotional..have recorded everything except some bass and vocals.

mr V

I agree, emotion is the major key to music. I mean, stuff can be technical or brutal, etc., but if it doesn't ignite some sort of spark within the listener, it's meaningless. Whether it's sadness, hope, joy or just pure enjoyment, it's feeling that makes us like the music we do. I think it's excellent that you write with that in mind because a connection through music is so strong and such a vital part of how a listener like myself finds the bands they enjoy the most and the reason why I've always enjoyed your bands so much. I've always taken the controversial stance that lyrics really aren't that important to the music itself, though I still appreciate it very much when a band puts effort into them and writes interesting, thought-provoking things. It's just never factored into how much I like the music like it does for some people. It's the riffs, the melodies that bring me in and what I focus on and many great composers are able to make me feel exactly what the lyrics say without my even having to read them, which I find amazing.

Also great to hear that more Waterclime has already been recorded. You're a machine! Give me a chance to soak this up before you lay more on me, haha. Looking forward to the next Vintersorg, acoustic Borknagar, Fission, and whatever else you've got up your sleeve. Havayoth perhaps?:D
Cool! One of the most important goal for me as a composer is to communicate through the notes.
To be honest - withouth a hint what you imagine (like in a song title or in the lyrics) it's not quite possible to guess. You could think of drifting through dark haze while composing 'Floating' and I would still think of something more light and optimistic. It's always the title or the lyrics that somehow guide us to a certain point of agreement about the atmosphere. And there's nothing bad about it - it's just that one needs to know about a rough direction to where a song points to fully get it. Imagine you would have named your Focusing Blur songs like 'Terrible war raging on between Israelis and Palästineans' - it would have established another image for sure. Music gives a hint for directions - but not the definte directions. Interesting topic for sure, hope I don't disturb any euphoric comments about Astral Factor. I share them anyways !:cool:
Tyraz said:
To be honest - withouth a hint what you imagine (like in a song title or in the lyrics) it's not quite possible to guess. You could think of drifting through dark haze while composing 'Floating' and I would still think of something more light and optimistic. It's always the title or the lyrics that somehow guide us to a certain point of agreement about the atmosphere. And there's nothing bad about it - it's just that one needs to know about a rough direction to where a song points to fully get it. Imagine you would have named your Focusing Blur songs like 'Terrible war raging on between Israelis and Palästineans' - it would have established another image for sure. Music gives a hint for directions - but not the definte directions. Interesting topic for sure, hope I don't disturb any euphoric comments about Astral Factor. I share them anyways !:cool:

That's correct of course! Otherwise song titles and the lyrics would be just something that you "had to have" instead of song1, song 2, song3..etc....still I want the music to give you a specific feeling. And when it comes to Waterclime I mostly write a the music first based on a emotional state, and then I shape the lyrics from that..and all of a sudden both the music and the lyrics make perfect sense for the spacific song, it's kind of magic and I hope that can go on with that...it's composers dream, at least for me!

mr V
Good point Tyraz and I suppose it is a mixture of both for me. Subconsciously, titles of songs will likely set the atmosphere for us if we look at them first, but what I truly find magical is trying to figure out what the artist had in mind for a song just by listening to the music. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Either way, I love how music is such an excellent medium for transferring emotion and I do love it when an artist writes thought provoking lyrics or is able to capture what they're writing about in the music itself. A song like "Floating" wouldn't really make sense with 3 minutes of blastbeats and growling and so I think it's a very good thing to find a happy medium between music and the poetry of lyrics.

Another thing I really enjoy is listening to instrumental music, where outside of the title, there is almost no set value for what the music is suppose to mean, but rather it's left up to the listener. Anyway, an interesting discussion for sure. Even though we'll all likely feel something different from the music, the artist can still somehow convey a common theme. Whether it's through music or words, who knows.;)