watershed cover !

its the name of the band, the album has the best title ever "The Bees Made Honey in the Lions Skull", hence the picture. Not sure what this album is like but Earth are a bit bland for me, very repetitive........
It's a fantastic album, the repetitiveness is kinda the point. Earth are the originators of 'drone', very cool band, this new one is somewhat more mellow, at times it sounds like slowed down Ennio Morricone or something, love it. Amazing cover and title too.
It's a fantastic album, the repetitiveness is kinda the point. Earth are the originators of 'drone', very cool band, this new one is somewhat more mellow, at times it sounds like slowed down Ennio Morricone or something, love it. Amazing cover and title too.

Yes great album, very soothing and repetitive, with many subtle nuances.
When you look at the hi-res version, I'm not convinced that the "brush stroke textures" don't actually contain some hidden imagery (look at the curtains, especially the right one). It will be easier to see in the actual print version, I think. Of course, I may be wanting to see something.
My initial impression (just mine, it couldn't have been intended) is the favor-asking scene in The Godfather.

Absolutely. I see it, too.

Edit: Although, in Don Corleone's office, there are slatted shutters on the windows, not curtains. Same vibe, though.
The text doesn't fit like the classic rock solo doesn't fit in Heir Apparent. :erk: I am being truthful, but as with the song, the album will have "its' moments." And I am gratefully looking forward to this new line-up and project that the band is putting forth!
after looking at the wallpaper for a few days... this might be my favourite cover art so far...

I'm beginning to feel this same way, there's just something so haunting about it. Although the Still Life artwork has always been my favorite.
monochrome as in shades of one color ranging from darkest shade (always black) to lightest shade (always white). Watershed being monochrome with the color being a yellowish light green, GR working with a light brown tone of the red/orange variety.

BWP is even less than monochrome in a sense since it only uses grey tones.

yawn monochrome means shades of a single colour or hue. Fact is, blackwater park isnt grey, its got yellow in it and a slight tinge of blue. Ghost reveries is also using a few different colours, from yellow to brown and also black(or incredibly dark grey).
That one slide-solo mike does on Heir Apparent is incredible, maybe that's the classic rock one... but Frederik's Malmsteen solo is wicked as well! Very diversified solos on there. :)
Everyone knows that the best cover was Orchid. It doesn't get any more creative than putting a picture of the thing your album is named after on the cover.
This is amazing...ive been watching it for 2 hours straight...I find it realy evil....i like the fact that its so bright outside and the light goes straight the room...but everything just stays dark... exept the for the desk... normaly a room would be bright and easy to see everywhere with a kind of lighting like that..maybe that room is soo evil that it consumes light.
This is amazing...ive been watching it for 2 hours straight...I find it realy evil....i like the fact that its so bright outside and the light goes straight the room...but everything just stays dark... exept the for the desk... normaly a room would be bright and easy to see everywhere with a kind of lighting like that..maybe that room is soo evil that it consumes light.

Exactly, it sets the atmosphere for the album. I think that the music (if corresponding to the cover) will be very dark and evil and consume all light. This cover makes Ghost Reveries a happy weekend-camping...