wave your hand in the air if you just don't care about breakdowns

You know, I can dig Bury Your Dead, that roaring rawness they have is pretty awesome, and they actually have some semi-interesting riffs and drum parts (can't say the same for any of the others you posted, sorry Gabriel, and I listened to each and every one of 'em) - might have to get my hands on some BYD, them grooves are heavy as hell
Nic, I can't tell if you're supporting me or condemning me for my little spiel, but regardless, to everyone else, of course I know music is music and if you love it far be it for me to want to take away that love; I just felt like a brief indulgence in high school music "debating" (for old time's sake :Saint::D )

I suppose I was supporting you, in such a way as to say that everyone is welcome to express whatever opinion they have, and in a round about way making the point that everyone is going to have a negative opinion of something sooner or later and not to take it too personally and write the person off. :)

That probably seems like it goes without saying to most people on this forum, but I've been to some pretty retarded forums.

this band rules only because of the guitarist from i killed the prom queen

which that band has epic bds too
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the stupid fucker in my last band literally couldn't have a song without a breakdown. ughhhhh they're so annoying. its the same as like.. putting a solo into something for the sake of just having one

Speaking of Arsis

The song, "The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters" has a breakdown that I've always loved. Especially with the lyrical content, it fits soooo well. And it grooves so hard.

At 1:19 is when the glory is brought.
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1:23 to 2:16...

then 3:23.

best breakdownz everrrrr, yo.

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Anyone besides me really dig the breakdown at the end of 'Arcana Hereticae' by Behemoth off The Apostasy? I love that song/breakdown! :)

I really don't like a lot of the newer breakdown stuff though. As James said, it all seems to be written so the breakdowns can exists as their own thing, rather than having a great song and it be polished off by a nice chunky breakdown.

It seems that the vast majority are just syncopated patterns on the low string and as a result, they all sound so similar and uninspiring/unoriginal. It kind of depresses me that so many bands can explode onto the scene and become so successful when writing stuff like that, and I'm here (along with many other musicians in similar situations) trying to write interesting and fresh music, and there isn't anywhere near as much attention given to us. I know that is how scenes and popularity works and all that, but it is still frustrating.