Waves L1 Side-Chain function?

agreed... it's a misunderstood quote. he was just referring to any compressor or limiter with a side chain function (not specifically the L1).

i think he was just examining the 'L1 trick' for the sake of quoting the "topic".

but it's difficult to be sure since i can only read what ermin wrote and not what everyone else was saying. i will also give ermin the benefit of the doubt and say that i am sure he knows the L1 has no key input or side chain.

this quote is completely taken out of context and is just inferring the use of side chain in a overhead/snare situation.

i still don't see how this has been discussed by as many people as clint is saying.

clint, just because you misread one person implying the common use of a signal processor doesn't mean it's been discussed numerous times.

i will, of course concede if you can show me where anyone else has exclaimed the use of this "trick" and as well it to be legendary, other than yourself.

otherwise, this thread is just perpetuating a distraction against what is actually true and preventing the "ideas" (that you cherish) to expand and are becoming lost in confusion.

facts for anyone who reaches this thread:

waves L1 limiter does not have a side chain function however it can be used to subdue snare transients. after you have employed a healthy amount of gain reduction to the overheads and snare, the theory would then be to apply a compressor with a side chain function after the limiter in the overhead chain (channel). finally you would side chain the snare to the overheads in an effort to duck the original snare captured with the overhead mics. thus allowing the more desired snare drum to sit tastefully in the mix without any unwanted artifacts from the original snare drum.

If its a 'misunderstood quote' then why does he still mention side chaining a limiter! Thats why he isn't excluding the L1. He just said limiters, and we all know Ermz, he would of said not the L1 if he meant it!
He says L1 trick followed by 'the limiter' not 'a limiter' "The 'L1 trick' is best achieved by side-chaining the limiter"
My point still stands! I get your point though, but the way he said it is still directed at the L1. If it wasn't he would of said 'the trick is to not use a L1' and even besides that! Its still a limiter he is talking about (which ppl clearly say cant be side chained) So yet again, my point still stands!

your point stands, alone.

the quote you are using is taken out of context. and you misunderstood it. then regurgitated it as if there was a group of people out there confused by this. when you are the only person that misinterpreted it.

I know it doesn't, thats why i wonder why so many different ppl have mentioned this. Or is it a case of ppl re quoting incorrect information to make it sound like they know what they doing?

no one else has mentioned it... only you. you are the only person to have quoted "incorrect" information based on what ermin said about side chaining a snare drum to the overheads (as far as i have read). you have yet to prove otherwise. if there are a bunch of people out there confused by the statement that ermin or anyone (for that matter) has proclaimed ...then prove it.

otherwise, like i said... you are the only one.
If its a 'misunderstood quote' then why does he still mention side chaining a limiter! Thats why he isn't excluding the L1. He just said limiters, and we all know Ermz, he would of said not the L1 if he meant it!

the limiter is a part of the processing chain.

limiter (for taming transients) ...then a compressor to side chain the snare.

so what if ermin said "limiter or compressor"

there is no mystery as to how this works.
He says L1 trick followed by 'the limiter' not 'a limiter' "The 'L1 trick' is best achieved by side-chaining the limiter"
My point still stands! I get your point though, but the way he said it is still directed at the L1. If it wasn't he would of said 'the trick is to not use a L1' and even besides that! Its still a limiter he is talking about (which ppl clearly say cant be side chained) So yet again, my point still stands!

But L1 is not the only limiter out there.
He is basically saying, side chain THE limiter or compressor inserted on your OH track which refers to not anything specific.
And you can side chain a limiter (I mean, a limiter is just a high ratio compressor), but you can't specific side chain L1 course it just does not have that option :).

The technique Ermz is describing is just a alternative where the overheads duck every time the snare is hit instead of permanently having the OH limited
From Ermz

You're mis-interpreting it dude.

What Ermz is saying is that you can compress or limit your overhead tracks with whatever compressors or limiters you have inserted.

Either way, it doesn't matter.
The L1 doesn't have a side-chain function. Period.
You're mis-interpreting it dude.

What Ermz is saying is that you can compress or limit your overhead tracks with whatever compressors or limiters you have inserted.

Either way, it doesn't matter.
The L1 doesn't have a side-chain function. Period.


hey !!! when are y'all doing the u87 impulses??? :wave:

i'm ready! :grin:

EDIT: OH DAMN!!! nevermind!!! i'm downloading now, man!
God its like im fighting against a brickwall in here! YES I ALREADY KNOW WHAT THE L1 CAN AND CANT DO, BEFORE I EVEN STARTED THE THREAD! Ive just been stating that its impossible and all i was asking was 'what do ppl mean by side chaining the L1" And no im not finding more places where i read it, coz i did but it proved nothing! Bottom line is that some1 or ppl either made a typo or dont know what they talking about and posted it on a few forums over a year ago! And its impossible to do with the L1 (which i found out before i started tis thread)

All in favour for calling this thread discussed and over?
God its like im fighting against a brickwall in here! YES I ALREADY KNOW WHAT THE L1 CAN AND CANT DO, BEFORE I EVEN STARTED THE THREAD! Ive just been stating that its impossible and all i was asking was 'what do ppl mean by side chaining the L1" And no im not finding more places where i read it, coz i did but it proved nothing! Bottom line is that some1 or ppl either made a typo or dont know what they talking about and posted it on a few forums over a year ago! And its impossible to do with the L1 (which i found out before i started tis thread)

All in favour for calling this thread discussed and over?


Bottom line is that some1 or ppl either made a typo or dont know what they talking about.

and that some1 is you... i'm not alone when saying i have never seen this question anywhere else but here on this thread, that you created.

so by all means, abandon ship. but linking these past threads will provide more insight to this public forum regarding the matter. which i am very interested in.

seems weird to not link the past threads if it's entirely germane to the situation :confused:
and that some1 is you... i'm not alone when saying i have never seen this question anywhere else but here on this thread, that you created.

so by all means, abandon ship. but linking these past threads will provide more insight to this public forum regarding the matter. which i am very interested in.

seems weird to not link the past threads if it's entirely germane to the situation :confused:

I made the typo? WTF? Ermz was just 1 example of it! (What he said could be taken 2 ways, end of story)
^ :lol:

final words:

you started a thread claiming that a group of people misunderstood the use of a plugin. this is not the truth. the truth is, you yourself misunderstood the use of a plugin based on one comment left by one person on another forum. the entire basis of this thread is because you could not own up to your lack of knowledge. my assertion (from the beginning) is that you cannot prove it and given that you have not at this point has led me to believe that you indeed started a thread on your own ignorance. no matter what i think, i will decline my candidacy for president of the united states and may god have mercy on your soul.

ps. don't be so defensive.

And how could i have started this thread 'in my own ignorance' if i already knew that a L1 couldn't do it.
This has been out of proportion man. Point is 'what was said can mean 2 things' and i was merely saying 'How the hell?'

If you know L1 couldn't do it, why start a thread about the "legendary strugis L1 overhead trick?" lololololololz.