We are offered to play with Cradle of Filth

Hahahaaaa... Hearse, maybe one day I'll tell ya why everybody calls me SoMn... But at least I have a proof that I am a gifted person, yet I am not sure what is better... To be an usual guy or the one like me.
Yep... and it costs like 1200 Euro for 1 day!! PERFECT!!
Actually I've asked 'em 'bout their requirements and got no answer... yet!
Omin, 5kWt? What do you think about 50 MT ? Like the one in 1957? "Mozhno i 100 MT, no togda i u nas samih mozhet okoshki pobit'"...:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sonm, I think there's some confusion here... I haven't seen the message you have, but I'm guessing that the backline request is that CoF will want to use your equipment when they come to Russia.

This is usual for bands who travel far away and can't bring their own stuff becuase of the costs, etc. This is also usual when the promotors are being cheap bastards who won't pay to rent stuff :)

So, theroetically, they're not asking you to pay anything, but they're asking if they can use your backline.

I could be wrong, but this is what it looks like to me.

Originally posted by Lee_B
Sonm, I love your version of English :)

What you wrote makes no sense at all, but had me laughing for five minutes!! :D


:)) Why does it makes no sence?:) A bawd means a woman who provides whores for guys, and strumpits are whores!! So if you would imagine yourself a policeman who is trying to arrest that bawd with her strumpits - you have to have a huge car where you should get those strumpits into (screaming, kicking etc) , but first you have to catch them and then imagine that bunch of strumpits in your police department... that's a pure hell:)) So my English is good! W. Shakespeare spoke the same:)))))
Originally posted by Anth
Just imagine...
Forest Stream is appearing on scene... but everybody screams:
Cradle of Filth, we want Cradle of Filth....

No imagine - Cradle of Filth appears on the scene, and the crowd cries 'Who the hell are those guys? We came to listen to Forest Stream!' :lol:
Originally posted by Omin
Lee doesn`t speak russian...

Oh do not worry, that's a solvable problem!:) A couple of months in Mordor and he kicks everyone's ass in russian:)
Got a reply again. Trying to figure out what that goddamn backline should consist of... Instruments only or all together?