We need a Pink Floyd thread.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Seriously. Few bands have ever been this majestic and beautiful and timeless. My personal favorite is Animals but this is one of the few groups I've come across that consistenly released masterpieces for years on end.
Agreed, everyone in Floyd had their faults, but NAD is right about their mystique lasting to this day and producing a string of excellent albums without ever repeating themselves. At least until Gilmour's shameless exercises in rehash, but after The Final Cut, which I like despite Waters playing the sour misanthrope/control freak role to the hilt, they ceased to be relevant.
Please tell me more of you listen to Floyd. Every fan of music needs at least one Floyd album, doesn't really matter which one.
I own The Wall on DVD. I used to love it, now I just find it kind of wandering and decent, with a lot of very good moments to it.

I haven't had a chance to check out other albums, except the song "Wish You Were Here". It was nice :)
Floyd is one of the all-time great bands. Anyone who doesn't think so, really doesn't know much about music. Their influence is everywhere. In no particular order, "Dark Side of the Moon", "Wish You Were Here" and "The Wall" are my favorite PF discs.

General Zod said:
Anyone who doesn't think so, really doesn't know much about music.


This is the kind of shit that just makes me laugh. Not everyone has to share your opinion. If someone was to think Floyd was boring, or horrible, or just OK, what makes them any less informed about music than you? Music means different things to different people.
IAmEternal said:
This is the kind of shit that just makes me laugh. Not everyone has to share your opinion. If someone was to think Floyd was boring, or horrible, or just OK, what makes them any less informed about music than you? Music means different things to different people.
Because he'd still be right and you'd be wrong. :p

(please note the sarcasm)
General Zod said:
In no particular order, "Dark Side of the Moon", "Wish You Were Here" and "The Wall" are my favorite PF discs.
I would list those three as well, although I realize they're probably the obvious ones. David Gilmour's guitar work on Dark Side of the Moon is emotionally perfect. I have a DJ promotional copy of that record (embossed gold stamp) from when my dad used to work for the BBC.

If I had to pick one, it would be Wish you were Here. Probably one of the greatest record covers too.
New Floyd related music (no shit really): Roger Waters has posted two response songs to the mideast conflict on his website. His voice has deteriorated with age, but his lyrics are still as sharp as ever...

"Don't let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up for you and the rest of the world"
I love Roger Waters, I respect him more than 98.61% (exact figure) of the other musicians I listen to.
you left coast fucker

The fiance loves Floyd, or at least she did when she was getting high back in high school. She doesn't listen to 'em anymore, eventhough she's got all the albums.

I tried 'em out. I listened to some fancy 2 or 3 or 4 disc box thing with weird designs all over it. Didn't really capture my attention at all, to be honest.
IAmEternal said:
This is the kind of shit that just makes me laugh.
Glad I could make you laugh.

IAmEternal said:
Not everyone has to share your opinion.
They don't have to, but they should.

IAmEternal said:
If someone was to think Floyd was boring, or horrible, or just OK, what makes them any less informed about music than you?
You answered your own question.

IAmEternal said:
Music means different things to different people.
No it doesn't.
