We need EdHunter 2 to be a Half-Life 2 mod


Jul 4, 2003
You know, Half-Life 2 is going to be highly a mod-able game. I think Maiden could pay somebody to do an Ed Hunter mod for it and it would be 10xs better than the original Ed Hunter. Plus it would be cheaper since it's a mod instead of whole new game . They could make it to where you pay 10 or 20 bucks to download it from IronMaiden.com And then put your own songs to each level from your own cds.

Damn this is a good idea, I need to talk to Rod.

Cheap for the band to have somebody develope(on a quality physics engine I might add), and since they'd distribute it(the mod) from their own website, they wouldn't need to have a distributor for it, saving them tons of money which might make it cheap for us also. Basicaly, once they payed the developer they would be making 100% profit.


If not, we should create the mod.
Doh. I'm already telling a friend he should develop another Maidengame (he declines, naturally). the idea comes down to Maidenmember firing at coffeezombies.