Weakness & No Quarter


Sep 22, 2004
Suffolk, UK
G'Day All,

Being a huge Zeppelin fan and of course the mighty Opeth, has anyone else thought about the likeness in vibe of Weakness and No Quarter? It struck me the first time I heard the track but then listening to Lamentations, I swear I can hear No Quarter being hinted at before the number starts.

Maybe its just me and perhaps this has already been discussed before on the forum.

Just interested to find out if anybody else had the same view!


another zephead?? I am the almighty zephead..but welcome to the forum my man. Yes, peth and zep have some striking similarities, and hearing them play the intro to No Quarter at Melb2 was great, i went insane.
I think that the only way to know whether its a coincidence or not is to ask Mikael, and short of that, any speculation is kind of pointless.

So somebody who cares enough go ask him :loco:
It's probably a little homage to them. Lots of bands make some songs similar in a way to show their appreciation for a certain band (i.e. Ending Credits --> Camel).
Hehe..thought about the similarities between the to songs a couple of weeks ago, and wondered when somebody would make a thread. I don't know if there´s already been one...haven´t searched the forum :)
Yeah it's kinda similar... But at the same time kinda different!

The drumming intros on Zeppelin's "The Rover" and Opeth's "Beneath the Mire"
are very similar. Cool though because Opeth does it better - of course :)

Having said that, "The Rover" still happen to be my favourite LZ track... hehe :)
neuroticandroid said:
who the hell is this moore? when did he play with zeppelin?
I meant "more" like you can hear more drums. I can understand that you would be confused here. Silly misspelling on my part. Then again I am not a linguist.
Both bands are using an effect known as the "Leslie Horn/Pedal" or to
the newer stomp boxes "Electro-Vibe" its a vibrato tone used
in thousands of other songs. The notes and riff are completly differen't.

In Weakness its an organ sound from a Nord Lead Keyboard.
In No Quarter its Jimmy Pages guitar dialed-n through a Leslie Horn.
I don't like Zep too much, my only record is The Song Remains the Same, and my favourite songs are, ehm, Stairway to Heaven (yes, I'm (was?) a fucking hippie, but listen to the tango rhythm and the guitar! not the kitsch lyrics and vocal lines ...) and No Quarter, of course, and No Quarter is one of my all-time favourites. (while Moby Dick is crap)

I dream of Opeth playing No Quarter in a live show!
Just saw Yr. remark. boy. I didn't say I don't know them, cause I'm a survivor from the 70s and heard all that stuff when you've not even been planned (if you have been). I just said it's the only record that I consider worth buying.