

Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
I know you've all been dying to hear my two cents on the new album :lol: Well, tough shit, I'm going to tell you anyway.

Let me preface this by saying I've listened to the album about 30 times over the past weekend. Opinions stated in this review may change between now and listening #300 (ie. by the end of the month).

Let me also state potential biasing factors up front: (1) I firmly believe that Anthrax has been the best band in existence since John joined in 1993. (2) This album has been a long time coming, and hyped as their best album ever.

Overall, WCFYA is a good album, but not a great album. There's some good tunes on here, but nothing that blows me away. After their last 3 releases, and all the hype and wait, I was expecting more, and so I was left a little disappointed. That being said, it will probably still be the best album released in 2003, because even Anthrax's weaker material is better than 99.9% of the crap that gets released everyday.

I won't bother doing a track-by-track breakdown, but rather I'll just make a couple points. "Contact" is a cool intro, but cuts off too short and IMO doesn't blend well into "What Doesn't Die". It might have been better to expand it into it's own song, or at least blend it better with the following track. "Crash" is pure filler, and could have been left out without anyone noticing.

My favorite tracks so far are Refuse to Be Denied, Superhero, and WCFYA. The weaker tracks IMO are Safe Home, Cadillac Rock Box, and the previously mentioned Crash. As I've said on other threads, at the best of times hidden tracks annoy me, especially the filler that ends off WCFYA.

In some places, it sounds like Anthrax was trying too hard to be everything to everyone...it sounds like they were trying to write songs that appealed to people looking for a return to heavier thrash, to get radio play, to have choruses that people can chant to live, all at the same time. On one hand, you've got songs like Taking the Music Back and Cadillac Rock Box that wouldn't sound out of place on a Motley Crue album, to Black Dahlia that in places could fit onto an In Flames album. On Volume 8, the variety of songs was a strength, but it kind of sounds contrived on WCFYA.

All the Thrax albums in the John era have gotten better with every listen, and I don't expect this one to be different. However, with SOWN and Volume 8, they blew me away right from the first listening. Stomp didn't do that for me as a whole, but there were specific tracks that had that effect. The disadvantage of WCFYA, is it didn't do either. Again, maybe it was the high expectations, but as it stands now, this is my fourth favorite Thrax album with John on vocals.

Overall: 8.5/10
I think that "Contact" and "What Doesn't Die" go together perfectly.

I give the album a 10.

Other albums Thra:rofl:ude gives 10 out of 10:

Slayer- God Hates Us All
Black Sabbath- Master of Reality
Anthrax- Among The Living
Hmmm... I've been listening to it over and over again and it's still getting better. This album has everything I expect from Anthrax. It's got the diversity of Volume 8, but it's much more "compact". I would say this is their best ever... and I'm not brainwashed!!!
Your baby looks great, anyway.
mentalmeltdown said:
what's 8,5 out of 10 in Canadian ? :)
Let's see, at the current exchange rate, that would be 12.8/15 :lol:

Previous albums that I would give 10/10 (or 15/15 in Canadian):
SOWN, Volume 8, Iron Maiden - Powerslave, Metallica - Master of Puppets, AC/DC - Highway to Hell and Back in Black.
15 Jean Chrétien's crooked mouths out of 15:

Faith No More - Angel Dust
Iced Earth - Dark Saga
Iron Maiden - all of their first 3 albums with Bruce
Judas Priest - Sad Wings of Destiny; Stained Class
Jag Panzer - Thane to the Throne
Manowar - Hail to England
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Slayer - Reign in Blood of course!!!

there are so many masterpieces that deserve a perfect note!

and of course Anthrax - Sown, Among and perhaps POT ?
i agree with naf's review on some points...
i dont believe its their best bush-era album... however its still great... im very pleased with it... mixes well with their last albums... theres not a song on there that i dont like and i like the variety of moods...

definitely one of my favs... but i do like some better... but thats not a bad thing :D i still listen to it tons
I like the production of SOWN, the heaviness of 442, the diversity of Volume 8 and the overall rocking of WCFYA. I think WCFYA has all of those elements.

Also, POT may not only be one of my favorite Joey albums, but also one of my favorite all around Anthrax albums. I love it from start to finish where as with Among (which is widely considered their best Joey era) it drifts and trails off after track 7.
have u changed your opinion yet nff!

i was expecting a replica of volume 8 on this album and i was pleasently surprised that they stepped it up a level,they are wearing there infuences on there sleeve and its done them the world of good,by far the best sounding and consistent anthrax record for me.
i finally get my hands on the album tomorrow,german one apparently i am getting a credit card next week and i wll get busy getting all the good shit very soon!

i have deliberatly stopped flogging the album to death in the last couple of weeks so i can get a fresh view when i get my hands on the real thing.

how is the tour news in canada nff,i still have grave doubts about anthrax touring australia,there will be hell to pay if they dont tour here lol
Looks like they're playing Montreal (at least Motorhead is anyway), but no word on Toronto yet. And no, I still say it's a good album but not a great album, so I haven't changed my mind with repeated listenings yet. I do think WCFYA is a cool tune though, probably the best on the album IMO.