Listening to Anthrax - which record?

timmyc said:
Yeha Reidie it's one of those Anthrax tunes I've read a lot of people say they love or hate. I just happen to think it's a weaker one in the Thrax catalogue. Joey's singing at the start just really grates me the wrong way.

Although i dont agree, I respect your opinion :kickass:

Wouldnt it be great if there was abit more of this on the board? :Saint:
Looks like Im the first to say Fistful of Metal, if not that then my only other choice is Spreading the Disease...
Fistful is the only *real* classic for me, maybe with some songs on Armed and Dangerous EP. The later Bella Albums suck balls for me.

Though, Bushthrax is far superior.
Best Albums for me, in that order, Vol.8, TGOTE, WCFYA, Fistful, A&D...don't like SOWN. haven't heard stomp... is it good?
Started cleaning the garage today, so I threw on Vol. 8 to be followed up by WCFYA. Need something cool to listen to as I wade through loads of crap and try to find room for it.
moeter said:
Fistful is the only *real* classic for me, maybe with some songs on Armed and Dangerous EP. The later Bella Albums suck balls for me.

Though, Bushthrax is far superior.
Best Albums for me, in that order, Vol.8, TGOTE, WCFYA, Fistful, A&D...don't like SOWN. haven't heard stomp... is it good?

stomp is very heavy
Okay, I'm convinced... I'll put Stomp closely behind Vol.8...

But come on...only an idiot would dislike an album with that much different styles of songs on it. I can't stop smiling when listening to Vol.8. And I'm saying this as a good thing.:kickass:
timmyc said:
OK so there hasn't been any new original stuff for 3 years now since WCFYA.

Out of interest, if you're thinking "I'll put on some Thrax...." - which record would you be most likely to throw in the stereo right now in 2006?

For me - right now, it'd still be WCFYA.


Sound of White Noise