Favourite Guitar tone on an Anthrax album

Among the Living, the guitar tone CRUSHES, and is pretty much the best guitar sound on any of "the big fours" classic thrash albums.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Caught in a mosh and Among the Living's tone and palm mutes rival Master of Puppets. I am going to have to answer for that comment when I die, but its how I feel!!!
Karina_666 said:
regarding SOWN, I believe all the extra guitars recorded might have been originally the idea of producing Dave Jerden. If you listen to the production on the two social distortion albums he did, there's a lot of guitars.

big mistake getting a producer like dave jerden,bush also said he was railroaded into doing alot of double vocals,i know alot of people here love the song only but i just hate how bush doubles on the vocals.
mrthrax said:
big mistake getting a producer like dave jerden,bush also said he was railroaded into doing alot of double vocals,i know alot of people here love the song only but i just hate how bush doubles on the vocals.
a LOT of bands double vocals. as a matter of fact, i think most of ATL is double vocalled
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
Among the Living, the guitar tone CRUSHES, and is pretty much the best guitar sound on any of "the big fours" classic thrash albums.

Agreed. Caught in a mosh and Among the Living's tone and palm mutes rival Master of Puppets. I am going to have to answer for that comment when I die, but its how I feel!!![/QUOTE]

No Beef here. Ian's style is way heavier then anything Metallica did. It's just the way he plays the guitar - something about his palm - no one sounds like him.

Something I always marvel about now, is how records like ATL and MOP are so fucking HEAVY. They are mostly in standard tuning. Now adays, every other band tunes to ass flat - and they still don't sound as heavy as Disposable Heros or Skeletons.
JohnThrax said:
a LOT of bands double vocals. as a matter of fact, i think most of ATL is double vocalled

wrong words i am using,recording vocals over vocals,like at the end of only,john is singing in backgorund only and he has recorded the vocal line crucified terrified etc,ruined the song for me.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
Overall, albumwise, POT and Among are my faves. The palm mutes could cut 10 foot thick steel. Everytime I hear it, I go AAARRGGHH!!! I was one of those that cocked an eyebrow with SOWN came out, and just about every album since (for me) the guitars lacked that palm muted heaviness. Dont get me wrong, I really like those albums, but the tone was well, thicker, more mids, but I really dug the "older" sound. Live, however, its all heavy as fuck, and generally that is where it counts.

i agree. the palm muting combined with bello's rumbling bass defines the thrax sound for me
mrthrax said:
wrong words i am using,recording vocals over vocals,like at the end of only,john is singing in backgorund only and he has recorded the vocal line crucified terrified etc,ruined the song for me.

thats called vocal layering

Theres a lot of that on SOWN. Some on Vol 8. I like it though.