Charlies best Album(drummingly of course)

Drokk said:
Napalm Death were starting out in the mid 80s, don't know if Mick was doing blast beats per se...I've never heard Scum.

He was doing hellish beats back then. However, as was the case then, the European drummers were much "sloppier" in their approach, and the drum beat felt more like a disconnected "shuffle" than a true pounding beat. (That isn't a criticism, as some of my favourite drum performances are sloppy sounding, such as Nicke Andersson (entombed, hellacopters) drum breaks in the Daemon (konkhra/entombed side band) masterpiece "7 Deadly Sins".
nafnikufesin said:
Though WCFYA is my least favorite of the Bush-era albums, the drumming is the highlight and certainly Charlie's best work.

I think WCFYA is Charlies most creative album by far.(Vol.8 would be his second most creative). IMO.
Charlie said that his favorite drum tone was on Fistful of Metal, and I have to agree.

As for performance, that's a toughie. He's always been a real originator, trying out new and interesting stuff, but I feel that with each album, he grew tighter and tighter, until WCFYA, where he's the most lightning sharp he's ever been and has amazing precission. But it's all good, to be honest...
Yer. ATL sticks out for me, Nobody Know's Anything from WCFYA is a classic (goes without saying). Their is a part on the Alive 2 DVD where Charlie is pounding out a mini drum solo (vintage footage, not from the reunion concert) .. sounds great!!!
I play Nobody Knows Anything when I attempt to get people into Anthrax and sometimes they are amazed that it's just one guy doing it. I just wish the snare sounded better on the Music Of Mass Destruction version.
nafnikufesin said:
Though WCFYA is my least favorite of the Bush-era albums, the drumming is the highlight and certainly Charlie's best work.
You actually just said, "WCFYA is my least favorite of the Bush-era albums."?????
WAIT, Wait, wait... wait... wait.......wait.......wait..... Lois, this isn't my Bat Man glass...?

WCFYA = second ONLY to SOWN
Although WCFYA is my second favourite Bush era album to SOWN, i have found it to loose apeal after multiple listens, sure the songs are good, but i doubt they will stand the test of time like your only's, and a plethora of songs from ATL and STD have