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well elly........anyone who is a diehard vicious rumors fan would probably say to get something with carl albert(R.I.P) on it......great vocalist......but brian is my friend so........get cyberchrist:grin: ......of course they are working on a new cd......if you want to wait......your choice:tickled: :hypno: :D

p.s........tell your friend to get with the program.....ha ha ha:lol: :grin:
Originally posted by 13th angel
well....what happens is this thread gets pushed all the way to the bottom ,and nobody "new "knows about it:grin:
yeah, those topics should stay on top somehow but luckily we're not that many so we can still keep the overview. I haven't seen a possibilty to turn the thread into an "important" one - those remain on top no matter if someone posts or not.