Welcome to the new forum!

Now that's the most flattering definition of the term I've ever come across! Between us, I'm using it more as a codeword for "sarcastic b*tch", or something along the line. :Smokedev: But I do own a kukkahattu, and it has saved a few bad hair days along the way. :tickled:

Hello again everyone! This is Michael from the old forum, this time I had to pick another nick so I decided for an orthographically perverse version of my name :P I had some difficulties registering when this board was founded but I've finally made it and I'm really happy because of it :) It's awesome to see that our small community is still keeping together and I'm very glad to rejoin you \m/
Thanks to MetalAges for the welcome and to Eurynome for the invitation. Many of you probably don't remember, I used to be the Solitude in the old forum, but this time decided to pick a new nick, as I'm short and using part of my own name, so I think PikkuSan works fine. I do remember EddieGunner and Mihau (Michael from old STCD forum). :)