Well ain't that a b


Bi-weekly top album:
Nov 5, 2005
Sanford, Maine
You know what, this really stinks. I haven't told anyone on the forum but I only pwn 1 Symphony X album (The Oddysey). I've heard many songs from their other cd's, but I feel sad that I have only heard 1 full album... It's because none of the music stores I go to have any of the albums!!! I'm gonna be ordering some online soon (finally), but isn't that just most unfortunate? :( Anyone else have this much difficulty finding Symphony X albums?
Well, I never see them in any cd store but in almost every store I could order the cds and furthermore there is still AMAZON!
As far as big stores, I've seen them at Circuit City and Best Buy, but usually only one or two cds..demand is what dictates what cds the stores stock up on, & sadly, demand for SymX is much lower at a store like that than demand for MTV fodder, which is why there's never much of a selection. You can always buy the cd directly from the band on their website, though, & eliminate the middle man. :)
Well, TM, one CD is better than 0 cds, and it got you here.
I have had all their CDs for years, and look forward to the new one.
Look what YOU have to look forward to. Believe me, it will be good.
Plan on trying to go to see them in concert too. Great fun.
Glad you're here.
That site had After Forever's "Remagine" a few monthes ago for $15 but they haven't had it up to order since. I've been checking back there frequently in case they put it back up cause it's one of the albums I want to get mostly. Every other site I check has it but for around $30.
Oh wow this is interesting... Thanks for the replies btw! Heh, so at least I know I'm not the only one who's had problems finding the cd's in stores. I'm sure it'll be no problem finding them online, though. I think I'll probably get V or something next even though I hear The Divine Wings Of Tragedy is one of the "essentials". I want to save the best for last! Or maybe I don't... It all depends on how I feel at the moment I want to buy something.
Yeah, I'm still missing Twilight in Olympus and I have been purchasing SX CDs since the Odyssey came out. I have to special order them cause eastern Canada sucks in every way, I also don't own a credit card so that kinda eliminates buying it off the net.
In the U.S. you can get gift cards at Best Buy and order stuff from their site without a credit card. That's what I used to do. I'm not sure about Canada though.
Borders is definetly a good place to look. When the special editions were released, the Dayton, OH area Borders was actually stocking the entire Symphony X catalogue. Not sure how many they still keep in stock as I haven't been there in a while.
Check the band's merch page, you don't need a credit card to buy there (not sure why people always assume that you do..).
Ordering cds is my way of doing stuff....Speaking of which, I'm a bit overdue for another Amazon order.
I usually don't see their CDs at bigger chains (like Best Buy), but rather at smaller local record stores. I've even seen the self-titled and The Dark Chapter (the latter of which I purchased immediately).