Well I Had a wonderful experience at Gym

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22 How old are you?

:lol: No, seriously. You can PM me if you want. How old are you for real?

Because your boyfriend Andrew brought you up. Something about pounding your ass or something I dunno ask him.

A 22 year old would never actually type this and think it was clever. A child might, but not a 22 year old.

Either way, my supposed "loyalty" to Dave has been grossly exaggerated, arising from that fact that don't flame him constantly. I've done my share of Dave-ripping.

Amarantus locks himself away in a dark little room, every inch of the wall covered in print-outs of Dave posts. He sits, pulling his hair out of his head, sweating profusley (because he is thinking), muttering to himself "If only there was a way that I could somehow accuse him of being gay!".
Amarantus locks himself away in a dark little room, every inch of the wall covered in print-outs of Dave posts. He sits, pulling his hair out of his head, sweating profusley (because he is thinking), muttering to himself "If only there was a way that I could somehow accuse him of being gay!".

It's his "Command center" in his mom's basement.:lol:
His fortess of solitude where he plans his next cunning strike against his arch nemesis: Dave From The Internet.

It's cosumed his lifeless days and sleepless nights. He's done researched, upgraded his internet, he's got thousands of books, pictures, records and guides. He's composed and found more information on dave then the world knows. He is... the

6 million dollar idiot.
Dave's family is so poor that they can't afford dinner for the entire family, so every night one person eats then just spits in everyone elses mouths.

Dave's family is so poor that they were turned away from the Ronald McDonald House for being "too destitute".

Ok now seriously just hear me out for a second. They were the worst jokes ive ever seen. You are not funny.

amarantus is a strange, troubled young man

get some help man before its too late!

You and your boyfriend ThisIs..... are the ones that need help. Your man needs to understand a little word called 'diet' and you need to understand that pumping your nads on weights is not metal or cool.
Ok now seriously just hear me out for a second. They were the worst jokes ive ever seen. You are not funny.

You and your boyfriend ThisIs..... are the ones that need help. Your man needs to understand a little word called 'diet' and you need to understand that pumping your nads on weights is not metal or cool.

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