Well, this is a bastard.


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
My throat is fucked, swollen up and i have a tiny airspace. It hurts like shit when i swallow and i can't sleep due to it.

I realise it's a strain of a dickhead flu virus flying round, so if anyone's had this..how long did it last and what did you do?

I'm communicating by pen and paper... :(
I've had this before, it lasts about two weeks. If it gets really bad they might put you on antibiotics. I recommend all the liqiuds that you can muster to drink to get this sickness out of you.
DON'T TAKE ANTIBIOTICS unless a doctor tells you so.
I mean, this is common sense really, but i think i should say it anyway. If you take them the wrong way, you'll end up FAR WORSE.

besides that, i don't know man... eat some scottish macho food like haggis, it might hurt and will probably have no effect at all but still, you'll be more of a man at least :p

hope ya get better soon ;)
:lol: our health service is pure pish also...

Yesterday, phoned the doctors... now i haven't asked much from the NHS, given that my last doctors appointment was at age 7.

"sorry, we're full"...

On the phone, i sound like i'm dying, tell the bitch i'm in pain...

"pssht, suppose i could get you an emergency appointment"
"Damn straight!"

So, roll up for a 14.20 appointment..

get seen at 15.10, little english prick of a doctor..

"what's wrong?"
"well, i'm" then sticks some shit in my ear and down my throat, tells me to buy some shit i already have then says "good day"... appointment length, 3 mins...

Fucking joke.
Fuck yeah! Some whisky with hot but not boiling water, squeeze of lemon and some honey and whack it down. A hot toddy will clear your air ways and also help you sleep. feel better.
The doctor told me to gargle with warm salty water, drink lots of clear fluids, and to take a decongestant like Sudafed (which has Guinfenesen).....BTW you need an antibiotic to clear up the infection (he gave me amoxicillin)........and it helps to drink brandy to soothe your throat....(no joke)! Hope you feel better Gavin, and thanks for passing it to me!! :p