Well, this truly fucking sucks...

Eh, that's a big bummer. The damage on that car looks insane. Quite horrifying.

Sorry to hear about your friend. :(
Death is always a difficult thing to hande, especially the death of a friend. I know that I cannot fully understand the feelings you are currently going through, but I'm deeply sorry.

The grief will pass in time, it may take a while, but it will pass. Just hang in there.
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Oh wow you have no idea how sad this got me. Just a few months ago I was in the same place as you are. Trust me it get's better. I mean I don't want to get all detailed or anything but the past year a lot of really close people passed away and most were v ery dramatic including my friend who died in a car crash..on his birthday. I know how depressing and shocking these things can be. But I also learned how you have to get on track becuase life goes on it doesnt wait for you. So try to stay well and although you wont forget incidents like these, itll make you stronger person.
thats horrible. i do not however, feel bad for the people that talked shit about him in real life. they will have to live with this forever and hopefully learn a lesson. these kids at the high school i went to a few years ago tormented a homosexual kid to the point of hanging himself... i hope they think about it everyday