We're all going to hell

Where is God now then if there is no heaven?

There is no God. Even if there was, it would be an entity so alien to us that we couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like. Think about it: God created everything, and knows everything. It knows everything that everyone will ever do, say and think from the moment they are born. It knows when and how they will die. It knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, a billion years from now. An intelligence that omniscient is so far beyond our understanding that for it to exist is essentially inconceivable. That God can be both an inerrant, omniscient entity and one that we as mere mortals who barely understand where rain comes from could possibly assume to know is contradictory. To truly believe in God, you must also believe that God is completely beyond your understanding, and if you believe that, you can't go around telling people what God thinks or wants, because you can't possibly know that.

Which Way?
There are two ways, -- the natural and the supernatural.

One way is to live for the world we are in, to develop the brain by study and investigation, to take, by invention, advantage of the forces of nature, to the end that we may have good houses, raiment and food, to the end that the hunger of the mind may be fed through art and science.

The other way is to live for another world that we expect, to sacrifice this life that we have for another that we know not of. The other way is by prayer and ceremony to obtain the assistance, the protection of some phantom above the clouds.

One way is to think -- to investigate, to observe, and follow, the light, of reason. The other way is to believe, to accept, to follow, to deny the authority of your own senses, your own reason, and bow down to those who are impudent enough to declare that they know.

One way is to live for the benefit of your fellowmen -- for your wife and children -- to make those you love happy and to shield them from the sorrows of life.

The other way is to live for ghosts, goblins, phantoms and gods with the hope that they will reward you in another world.

One way is to enthrone reason and rely on facts, the other to crown credulity and live on faith.

One way is to walk by the light within -- by the flame that illumines the brain, verifying all by the senses -- by touch and sight and sound.

The other way is to extinguish the sacred light and follow blindly the steps of another.

One way is to be an honest man, giving to others your thought, standing erect, intrepid, careless of phantoms and hells.

The other way is to cringe and crawl, to betray your nobler self and to deprive others of the liberty that you have not the courage to enjoy.
