We're all going to hell


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Check out this correspondence between Mrs Winmar and a guy she worked with a few times:

Does your husband know there is no Heavy Metal music in Heaven. He wont get to heaven because of his music interests. God is against that music. Its anti social music. If he gets to heaven it will be a miracle. If you both like that music then both of you wont get into heaven. You & him might be having a good time now but you wont when you both eventually pass on into the after life which is hell for both of you. There will be no Heavy metal metal music in Heaven. Heavy metal music is trash music which was invented by sadists. Would you like to be having fun after you pass on. You only live on Earth once. How does your husband feel after listening to the Heavy metal music? I would like to know. I know it makes some people very aggressive or violent. I'm curious to know how he feels after listening to it. Bye for now.

Then, without a reply:

If you like Heavy Metal music you will suffer the same fate as him. He will be going to a bad place which is not very good. God doesnt like Heavy Metal music because its music from Satan. Heavy Metal metal music is Satanic so i'm just warning you not to listen to it at all otherwise you will end up with your husband in hell. If you dont believe me you'll find out when you die. Once you're in hell you wont be able to change your mind. If he likes that music he will go to hell himelf. Do you want to be there with him? I hope you dont make that mistake? I'm warning you as a friend ok.

Mrs Winmar:
Yes I like metal music, so what???
I would go to hell with him. Thank you.

Ok. Have a good time in hell while i'm having lots of fun in Heaven. Ok I think i should forget about meet ing you & your husband. I dont want to be mixing with bad people.

Mrs Winmar:
who cares.

Sorry! I have to delete you as my friend ok. I dont want to know to you anymore ok. You & your husband will be miserable in Hell. Its what you want right?

You & your husband are very silly for choosing hell instead of Heaven.

You & your husband should care.

I'm no longer your friend ok.

Mrs Winmar:
With my pleasure please delete me. I don't want to have friend like you either.

Have fun being miserable in hell with your stupid husband.

You are very stupid if you love being in hell instead of heaven.

Goodbye forever now silly woman


WTF??!! :lol:
Yeah tell me about it. He sent a message to my mum this evening, telling her we're going to hell. She reported him to Facebook. :)
Over on 4chan there's often "you rage you lose" threads where people post up idiotic shit like this and see how long it takes for someone to FFFFFFFFUUUUUU--- after reading it. I reckon this wouldn't last one post before someone raged!

Goddamn, I hate stupid people.... :rolleyes:
Haha 4chan is gold!

I don't usually come across stupid people like this one. I find it very curious that someone can change from being friendly to being like that in the space of one message just because they find out I'm into metal! Weird.
Does that mean the few Christian metal bands I enjoy like Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, The Chariot, and Demonhunter to name a few are also going to hell?? Because wouldn't they be dead or some shit if the big G didn't want them playing metal??

I love wacko's I used to enjoy arguing with them and their stupid hypocritical close minded views, but I find they sap me of my sanity these days and aren't worth my breath

Bring on the Metalfest in Hell I guess
HAVE FUN IN HELL WINMAR!!! Hell is a bad place that is NOT VERY GOOD after all :p

Me, I just listen to country music, which is about good, christian, wholesome stuff like drinking, fucking and fighting. Yeehaww.

i met a few people like that years and years ago. They do my head in mang.

Besides, heavy metal is anti-social music? Obviously he's never been to any of the metal clubs in Melbourne where people you've never met before instantly become your best mate / Sworn Brother Of Metal due to one of you wearing the tshirt of a band that the other one also likes. Metal is the most social music ever!
He's still sending her messages saying we're Satan worshippers who are going to hell. She'll block him at some stage, but for the moment it's entertaining. He tells her to listen to gospel.