were the others any good?

I just thought it was funny when the singer from Devildriver said something along the lines of "You won't hear any shit like this on MTV!"

uh...yeah, dude....keep telling yourself that....
Triste said:
I just thought it was funny when the singer from Devildriver said something along the lines of "You won't hear any shit like this on MTV!"

uh...yeah, dude....keep telling yourself that....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yah that was quite funny. :loco: And if you guys think he said FUCK a lot last night.... you shoulda been at the Hollywood show! Zakk Wylde was there to introduce the band. He stood on the side while they were playing and came out in the middle of one song to "share" a bottle with the singer. Damn, he got big. LOTS of fucks at that show.
fadingessence said:
I had never heard moonspell before but I liked their set. The last song they played was really great.

Class of Zero (fucking stupid name!) played on a few dates, saw about 2 songs before we just went outside and watched the AWSOME flamenco player outside at Downtown Disney, Anaheim show of course. Actually...did that through Devil Driver too, didn't watch a single song, and the flamenco was really good!

That flamenco player was the shit. I was in awe watching that dude play!
pac1288 said:
Yeah I wasn't too crazy about Moonspell like mentioned earlier there material was very predictable with some ok parts here and there its that the kind of music that will make you kind of nauseous if you listen to it long enough but I've heard a lot worse.

Devildriver was nothing special, there too staight forward nothing intricate within there material at all but they do incorporate that groove element rather well which is the only thing that this band has going for them but this too me gets old rather quick so I can't really appreciate a band that relies soley on groove.

What did surprise me on this concert was the lack of those nu-metal type kids that go to the shows and start acting like complete idiots, this was the case when I saw Dark Tranquillity in San Francisco, there was this one nu-metal band on the bill and once they came on all these dumb asses rushed into the pit like idiots and started throwing there hands everywhere while keeping there eyes closed just like little immature girls, it was extremely irritating to see, and I was expecting some of the same last night during devildriver's set but nope it didn't happen, I wonder what happen to them.
I saw a few, but not too many. A couple were moshing to Devildriver, but not many seemed to stay for Opeth though, or they at least faded into the background for Opeth
cool...im looking forward to seeing opeth's heavy set. i went to see them last year with porcupine tree and well it was ok, but i was in the mood for the heavy. o well, at least porcupine tree put somewhat of a heavy set that night lol. dont get me wrong, the stuff from damnation is pretty sounding music, its just (in my opinion) not the stuff you wanna stand for hours to hear live.