What´s John Bush doing ??

Looking for a new job im sure.

After seeing how bad ass Anthrax was with Joey on this tour there is no way Bush will be back in Anthrax. The fans are going apeshit to this line up.
1. I hope he teaches the thread starter how to spell, now that he has the spare time.

2. Only select fans are going "apeshit" and they are all assholes who post "Joey Rules, John Sux!1!1!1!11!" like a 9 year old all day.
GregadetH said:
2. Only select fans are going "apeshit" and they are all assholes who post "Joey Rules, John Sux!1!1!1!11!" like a 9 year old all day.

Speak for yourself, there were an aweful lot of australians going apeshit over the reunited linup recently. P.S. i happen to be one of them :headbang:
The point is that John does not suck, if you think he does, well, we don't want posts about it. I hope every member (Past, Present, Whatever)of this band is doing well and feels blessed to be part of this team. I'm listening to the Sydney stuff, and DeathRider did not suck, so obviously Joey does not suck either!

Rock on :headbang:
or hes (attempting) to relax with his new born kid.
As i said earlier, If they said this on the website OFFICIALLY i wouldnt have a problem, but they didnt so I do.
Whether its with Anthrax or not, I hope he returns to the music biz soon.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
He is at home celebrating the 987,783,217th time someone has asked this question
At first I thought you were saying he's celebrting his 987, 783 and 217th beers. in that order :loco:
lol rumour has i he's rehearsing so he can come out as a special guest on the re-uinion tour and do the rapping parts to bring the noise.....ok thats a lie but i woudnt put it past scott to ask him! NAh i think anthrax is better with 'donna and bush suits armored saint better anyways.
GregadetH said:
2. Only select fans are going "apeshit" and they are all assholes who post "Joey Rules, John Sux!1!1!1!11!" like a 9 year old all day.

Fuck Off Asshole, that's not true. Why do you have to be an asshole?? There seem to be alot of people going nuts at the shows.....
Hopefully John is relaxing and preparing himself for life without Anthrax because as long as this re-united line up are offered bigger fees than with him, he is out of the picture.. It's as simple as that. Whether he returns or not Anthrax are over now and should make themselves comfortable in the time capsule they have created for themselves, I'm still excited that I am going to get a chance to see this line up again but feel like the respect that I had for them is disapearing by the day..
GregadetH said:
2. Only select fans are going "apeshit" and they are all assholes who post "Joey Rules, John Sux!1!1!1!11!" like a 9 year old all day.

Well, even though Vegas was poorly attended, those poeple were going apeshit, and no one was saying John sucks. As a matter of fact, he got a huge cheer when he came on the video screen.

I love Bush in Armored Saint and in Anthrax, but I hope they keep this line-up together, there is just something special about this line-up...
StreetwalkinCheetah said:
Well, even though Vegas was poorly attended, those poeple were going apeshit, and no one was saying John sucks. As a matter of fact, he got a huge cheer when he came on the video screen.

I love Bush in Armored Saint and in Anthrax, but I hope they keep this line-up together, there is just something special about this line-up...

"When he came on the video screen.." - what's that all about - we didn't get any videos in Melbourne - what did we miss??
Captain Trips said:
"When he came on the video screen.." - what's that all about - we didn't get any videos in Melbourne - what did we miss??

Yeah my thoughts exactly ...... I know they showed the video in Sydney, but I went to both gigs in Melbourne and Adelaide, and we didn't get it there. :confused:
timmyc said:
Yeah my thoughts exactly ...... I know they showed the video in Sydney, but I went to both gigs in Melbourne and Adelaide, and we didn't get it there. :confused:

i thin the reason is sydney fucking rocks !!!

fuck the show was good!!!