What a difference a concert makes.........


Apr 14, 2001
You know, ever since I went to the Deth concert, ive been listening to them everyday while im at work (I type crap into a computer so I can just put headphones on and drift away :) Plus people leave me alone when I have headphones on, and when they see the covers to the slayer albums and stuff, they give me a wide berth so to speak :) )
I wasnt really much of a deth fan before the concert, I owned all their albums but I thought they were pretty overrated, but my opinion is changing now, all because I saw them live. How wierd is that??? :eek:

Oh yeah, also im trying to play that intro bit to Holy Wars on guitar. Theres just one problem. I cant. Play it that is.
But I can put the cd on and pretend which is just as fun. Sorta.
If I'd seen them live I might think the same way, or perhaps even bought an album or two. However, did Megadeth play in Adelaide and could I have afforded to see them in Sydney or Melbourne? The answer to both those questions is a resounding "NO!"

Great idea about the headphones, Spawn. If I have to put up with one more day of commercial-filled, football-obsessed radio in my so called workplace, somebody is going to die.
Headphones are as good a way as any to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, I think... ;).

Yes, the headphones are my best friend at work :) Otherwise I have to listen to 2dayfm and they play
Bootylicious, and you KNOW how much I hate that song.
Although I've always been a huge fan of Megadeth, I know exactly what you mean.
I wasn't too fond of The World Needs A Hero stuff until the concert, and I had serious doubts about Dave ability as a frontman/singer.

I've thought that because I've got Live Traks 1 & 2, and enough live B-sides, I'd be able to make a judgement of the Megadeth live show - which was only compounded by the lack of an offical Live album. :( :(

30 seconds into the concert, all my doubts were blown away!! (Almost literally). Dave sounded great - and the band was absolutely flying. :D :D

Easily the best show I've been to. And I've seen ACDC, Kiss and Alice Cooper this year too. (Alice Cooper was very hard to beat)
(said in super dodgy asian cinema english overdub) "Ahh Sydo, we meet again, it is time for me to have revenge for you humiliating me with dream theater" (mouth moves for a few more seconds and no sound comes out) "now we fight!" (makes lots of weeeee noises and so on).

Ok, now I have that out of the way, I agree about the live stuff, id seen them on some bootleg videos and I thought they were crap, maybe getting al in the band helped but they were way more "alive" when I saw them :)

Sydo, theres no way they were better than Kiss though, are you off your rocker??? :eek:
I didn't have particulary good seats at Kiss. And the crowd aound me was extremely lame. :( Alice Cooper was much the same, but I was closer to the stage.

Even though Kiss was great, Alice was much, much, much better. :eek:
Also note, although I knew almost all of the Kiss material, I know more of Alice. (and every Megadeth thing)

Funny how I saw Eric with Kiss instead of Alice - and Jimmy with Alice and again with Megadeth. :lol:

I had the most enjyable time a Megadeth though. It was fanatically fun. :)

Spawn :heh: :heh:

Gee, that was a messy post. Too many smilies again.

Yeah I use too many smileys as well, I think we are going to send them extinct. You will see stuffed ones in museums in 10 years at this rate.

Kiss were still better, even if you do try and blame the crowd around you, you should have shown them how to do it! :p
I agree. There was just something about that Kiss concert that made me listen to Kiss non-stop for a few weeks after it. Megadeth was good but it didn't make me listen to it non-stop too afterwards. Ah well. We'll always have water taxis.


Originally posted by Kem
I agree. There was just something about that Kiss concert that made me listen to Kiss non-stop for a few weeks after it. Megadeth was good but it didn't make me listen to it non-stop too afterwards. Ah well. We'll always have water taxis.



G'DAY?????? Its fucking night time!
Thank you, thank you, Ill be here all week...........
I tend not to listen to CDs by bands I've just seen live in concert for a couple of months after said gig. Not really sure why!

I didn't see Megadeth, but for what it's worth I haven't listened to them since I bought and listened to their new album, which I'm not too keen on!
Originally posted by Spiff
I tend not to listen to CDs by bands I've just seen live in concert for a couple of months after said gig. Not really sure why!

I've got that same problem. In fact I don't think I've listened to Kiss or ACDC since the concerts! (Although after Kiss I did intend to buy more Kiss Cd's)

I've listened to a bit of Megadeth, mainly the new one - which I was never too fond of until after the show.
Tintin..........didnt he have a dog?

Id like to go into space and walk on the moon (yes I know you have to go into space to get to the moon....anyway) It would be pretty cool, it would be nice and quiet, you could make a snadcastle that would never get washed/blown away and you could do somersaults easily, though there wouldnt be anyone there to impress so you probably wouldnt bother. :)
Tintin rocks! My favourite books are... hmm, can't remember the titles, but they were the two that followed on from each other, when they're looking for that pirate's treasure... hmm, what were they called? The twins kept getting their wallets stolen in one of the books, too.
Originally posted by Spiff
Tintin rocks! My favourite books are... hmm, can't remember the titles, but they were the two that followed on from each other, when they're looking for that pirate's treasure... hmm, what were they called? The twins kept getting their wallets stolen in one of the books, too.

Tintin and the pirates treasure? (parts 1 and 2)