what about individual discrimanation - Anna-Varney's thoughts of individualism




Just read a very interesting interview with Anna-Varney about individualism - and wonder what do you think?


• The word 'normal' is nothing more than a statistic term and therefore hardly appropriate to be used as reference-point, a design for life! 'Normal' just says that a majority of some people (!) (in a certain area) behave in a certain way... THAT'S ALL!!! And even they are a minority compared to the entire population on this planet! WHAT APPEARS TO BE GOOD AND SALUTARY FOR SOME MIGHT BE EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE FOR OTHERS! So why should I attempt to mutate into something I do not feel comfortable with just because a few ignorants fascists cannot broaden their narrow minds!?!
Just imagine a man walking cheerfully through the sunshine, passing a meadow where some cows are enjoying the sweet grass and the warmth of the day. 'Yes, those animals are happy ones', the man may think. 'They've got fresh air, the sun shining on their heads... - all the beautiful things that make life worth living'. Continuing his walk, the man comes to a small lake, and as he looks at it, he starts thinking about the fish swimming in the cold and wet darkness. 'Poor fish', the man may say to himself. 'It sure must be awefully lonely and gloomy down there... - But don't worry! I will save you all!' So he organizes an enormous net and catches the fish with great effort to lay them on the grass. But when he finally looks at his work with pride, he realizes the creatures' agony as they suffocate and die. 'Stupid animals', the man shouts. 'You don't know what's good in life. You're sick and ugly and if you're unable to treasure the beautiful sunshine and the fresh air you probably do not deserve to live on this planet at all...!' WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS WITH INDIVIDUAL NEEDS and certainly not some homogeneous masses! In parts we may share some common ground but that's all! Indeed, individuality is an important part of the essence of the human nature and if there are people, who deny the truth of it, then guess WHO is 'slightly disturbed' here...!
i think that's very true. i've often thought and wondered who the hell has made the 'rules' one should live by, and yet told us that's the preferable and only (generally acceptable) way..??? and what makes this thing even more unbelievable that there's many many people really accept the 'rules' without any question. (and now i'm not talkin about eg criminal law or that kind of rules, those are, of course, quite necessary to exist..!! but life in general..)
True point. Individualism is something that is missing in todays society... I could go on writing a dissertation or something about this topic, and I hate dissertations... Anyway, I've stopped judging people about their personality, trying to change it, a long time ago... I am just accepting them as they are... Some people should do the same instead of breaking our balls trying to make us do something we don't want to...

Anyway, take care...
But on the other hand, there must be some kind of control over this. For instance a mass murderer or a rapist should not be let to express his will to kill or rape etc. freely. If there are absolutely no kinds of rules and no basic structures about what we can do, and what not, what is good and what is wrong (and I am not talking about cencorship, just basic rules) there would be chaos.

This is not my opinion. I am just trying to look at the subject from both perspectives... What do you think anyway?

Take care...
Actually I'm not sure if individualism is missing that much, even nowadays. You only have to look at all the people here for example. And nobody has tried to push me into a mold as far as I can remember. (maybe I've been lucky to have such good friends and parents, especially my mom).

Yes, there is this 'gray-mass' of people and always has been and that's the way it goes, but what I've seen, it's the people that makes 'the decision' of becoming part of that (usually). If you feel like trying hard to fit in, then do it, if it makes you happy that you look like and do stuff that majority does. To my knowledge majority are just the people who don't question their doings and just go with the flow as long as they are accepted by a large public. Boring, yes. But it ain't like they didn't have a choice.

And I was ofcourse talking just my observations in Finland.

And I might have not made my point clear, it ain't even totally clear to me what I was trying to say :rolleyes:
I'm perfectly happy living in the society I'm living in now. I don't feel I'm being forced to be something I'm not AND there are those rules + control that Dying Swan mentioned, so I feel somewhat safe, though I hate the place I'm living in. Too much threat of violence around. :cry:
we all come to the point of things that are universal: there must be some laws are that must hold everywhere. just like dying swan said: a murderer or rapist shouldnt do whatever the hell he/she is doing. so thats why we have...THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS! wohoo
Yeah I kinda guessed what you ment. And I just suggest that you try to be happy if even a day at a time. Works like a miracle. Atleast to me.

I don't know why but I've been in a _very_ good mood for the whole week :confused: Something's wrong with me... Must be my brain malfunctioning.

Happy happy joy joy! :Smokin:

yes that's what i've tried and will, just doesn't work all the time.

:guh: you're weird!!?! :rolleyes:
no , really, i'm happy(?) you're happy!!
Originally posted by pagan2002
...a harmony with nature...
something really rare these days:cry:
and as I still get deeper & deeper into the music of Anna-Varney - I'm starting to feel a huge respect for that amazing personality -really hope to meet him/her one day -I'm just wondering what stays behind that image, what really inspires that visual music art and that melancholic mysticism -
I wonder does he really look that way?
Whats ur fave album /song from Sopor Ivo ?

For me it would be the album 'Todeswunsch' & 'Dead Lover Sarabande 1 ' , with songs such as 'no one is there' , 'Hades Pluton ' or 'va(r)nitas vanitas' ...

I still havent listened to all of his stuff tho , but im into him since a few years now , and he's deffo one of the most talented & impressive musician i ever heard...