What are Katatonia up to at the moment?

falling bird

Jan 11, 2002
Visit site
Are they working on new material or on something else?
I heard that there is going to be an album including all the ep's,is there a release date already?
Maybe someone here knows more, or maybe Anders can give us a few facts,for example of how the new material will sound like and if it will continue the path of LFDGD, would be great;)
No matter when the new album is going to be released,i'm looking forward to it,very much:)
It's teargas in my eyes at that news, and some Chrome in my butt, cause it's a pain etc...
Are they working on new material or on something else?


They're probably working as I'm typing this. I remember reading that Jonas and Anders worked at a post office to make a living.

Quite an interesting idea. You go on vacation to Sweden, walk into a post office to get stamps for the obligatory postcards and there are Jonas and Anders behind the counter...:eek:
I´ll be curious to know if they still have to work for making a living...I know they used to, but at the moment I really don't know anything...
Perhaps they are on holiday!
No,i don't think either. The money they make will be put into the band itself, money for being in the studio recording, touring and so on.
I'd be glad for them if they could live from their music,i mean after all of these years that they've been around now.
actualy, i say, it is a darn shame that they arent promoted more.
i think katatonia would have been famous enough to live of theyre music if they just got the promotion for it.
almost everybody i play a katatonia cd too, likes them...
it is just that nobody hears of them..
As far as I know Catatonia split up, so late January has to be the planned release date for Katatonia's new album. Still far away... :cry:
It's a crime that artistic geniuses like Katatonia and many of the other metal bands here at Ultimate Metal can't make a living off their music while talentless rappers and boy bands sell trillions of records!
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
It's a crime that artistic geniuses like Katatonia and many of the other metal bands here at Ultimate Metal can't make a living off their music while talentless rappers and boy bands sell trillions of records!

yes it is...but you know, Mozart, who was a genius, died poor..and I can list many other artists who didn't get recognition during their lives...Art and business most of the times are two separate things.