What are some good bands you have discovered these past few months

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Lets talk about music.

Bal Sagoth and Lykathea Aflame are both really nice finds for me. I downloaded more Quo Vadis and they just absolutely rule. Make sure you watch their live DVD...some clips are on youtube.
I've been listening to alot more mainstream rock in the past few months; AFI, Coheed and Cambria, the cure. As far as metal goes, those guys on the RC board got me interested in Agalloch. I recently heard Wolves in the Throne Room too.
I've been getting into Alkonost a lot... and Isabel got me into a russian band named Arkona, whom I absolutely love. I also finally got a few more Darkestrah albums, and they just plain fucking rule.
in the past few months I started getting into some Pink Floyd, Antimatter, Sevendust, Rebel Meets Rebel, Green Carnation, and Mike's band Division. Also Bozarth got me listening to Blood Bath and Dissection, and I'm liking both of them too.
Conquer All said:
ahahahaha yeah for the week. im not doing too well in school though im trying the best i can. i gota lay off the computer for the rest of the week and show my parents that im improving a lot more. right now im at school though so yeah...
so your mom pwned you?
what classes are you doing bad in
uhhh biology, english and math. its the beginning of the school year and high school is new for me. i found out what mistakes ive made and now im learning from them and im going to do a lot better in school hopefully
Seventh Wonder. Kind of like AOR prog played prog metal style. Think of Yes or Asia if they sounded like Vox Tempus or Vanden Plas.
Jotunspor, noisy, ambient, nature black metal from King Ov Hell.
Scott Mosher, amazing progressive, ambient, space rock/metal. Deep Horizons is probably one of my favorite albums this year.

There are lots more too but I don't feel like listing every band I've been getting into.
Dying Freedom said:

New disc is quite cool.

Hmm. My "new" things:

Freak Kitchen - "Organic" and "Move". Metal? Not really. Sick guitar work, slick tunes, and sarcastic, socially aware lyrics? Check.

Alas - "Absolute Purity" - bought on the advice of a friend. The best music of any of the "we play heavy and the chick sings operatic" bands I've heard. (Given that it's Rutan, that's not surprising. Not bad at all.

Sikth - "Death of a Dead Day". The first five songs are brilliant. After that, they're kinda "eh", but the first five are worth the price of the disc.

Twisted Into Form - "Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer". Disappointing so far, but still listenable. I wasnt' expecting another Spiral Architect, but I was expecting it to be better than this.

Zero Hour - "Specs of Images Burnt Beyond". Not "The Towers of Avarice", but definitely a lot better than their last disc. A good listen if you're not my wife, who hates their style (imagine Meshuggah as a prog metal and not a death/thrash band, for those who haven't heard them) with a passion I've seldom seen. So, naturally, we're playing with them next month. :lol:
I've been on a thrash metal binge these last few months, really getting into some of the older bands such as Sodom, Sabbat, Overkill, and Sadus.

Other than that, my friend gave me his 3 inches of blood cd which was quite amusing, and a few months ago i discovered Pestilence, a hidden gem with elements of thrash/death/prog.
EricT said:
I've been getting into Alkonost a lot... and Isabel got me into a russian band named Arkona, whom I absolutely love. I also finally got a few more Darkestrah albums, and they just plain fucking rule.

Me too with Alkonost. I've discovered a bunch of meh bands the only really good find I made was Primordial
Creator_Failure said:
and a few months ago i discovered Pestilence, a hidden gem with elements of thrash/death/prog.
Very important band. I put them up there with Atheist and Cynic. Not quite as high as Death, but still close.