What are some good bands you have discovered these past few months

Been listening to alot of Viking Metal like Ensiferum, Finntroll, Moonsorrow, Korpiklaani and Amon Amarth.

also been listening to alot of Power metal like SA and Strato and Mercenary and also just found out about Sex Machineguns.

and also love the New Into Eternity album. and also listening to commnic for the first time as im writing this, man he sounds strikingly simmilar to warrel.
My friend recommended me the album Legends Of Evil And Eternal Death by Hirilorn and i've been listening to that and i like it a lot. also a couple months ago i was recommended Unanimated's Ancient God of Evil and I love that one a lot.
some of my more notable new discoveries in the last half year or so have been: Kirlian Camera (EBM/industrial/other), Cold Fusion (martial-industrial/ambient), Rose Rovine e Amanti (neofolk/post-industrial weirdness), Graumahd (neofolk), Wappenbund (martial-industrial/power electronics/ambient), Mushroom's Patience (avantgarde), Von Thronstahl (martial-industrial), Stahlwerk 9 (noise/ambient), and Rasthof Dachau (noise/power electronics)

hey, I'm sure you all were dying to know this.
Metal head87 said:
Very important band. I put them up there with Atheist and Cynic. Not quite as high as Death, but still close.

Well Death and Atheist are two of my favorite bands, very influential to me as a guitarist. Unquestionable Presence and Human are near perfect albums, and Focus by cynic is just mind blowing (cant believe they are re-uniting!)

So far i only have Testimony of the Ancients and Malleus Maleficarum, still looking for Spheres and consuming impulse, but i cant wait to get my hands on them
New-ish music for me? To name a few:

Into Eternity, Decapitated, Dismember, Wastefall, Scar Symmetry, first few Quo Vadis albums, HORSE The Band, Yyrkoon, new Weird Al album, Municipal Waste, Ensiferum.
Conquer All said:
I FUCKING HATE THEM! sorry, they seriously suck. they almost got booed offstage when i saw them

Yea, they have a few songs I don't mind... but overall they aren't very good. Basically just some random hardcore crap mixed with Nintendo-esque synth. I heard of them through a few of my friends, who all seem to really be into power metal (and I am not that big of a fan of that stuff). Yep, and all of them are Dragonforce wankers. I didn't mind them... for like a week.
Conquer All said:
yeah same here. if you go onto their myspace there are so many comments saying "dragonforce fans are gay" and this and that. pretty funny
Well, the better part of Dragonforce fans are gay.