What are we going to get on this N American tour?


Jun 22, 2003
So, if the new album is due out in June, the US tour that goes from April through May is not exactly one that can be in support of the new album, save maybe a single released early. Other than that, you can't just go out and play songs people don't know. But it's also far too close to the release of the next album to continue to think of it as a promotion of Paradise Lost. So what are we going to get on this tour?

Personally, I would love if the band would take this opportunity to mix in some older/rarer material to the set list. I'm sure with a new album being released the band will have a hectic schedule around the time of the tour and probably won't have the time to prepare to perform any outrageously never-before-performed-live type material. But I've seen Symphony X every time they have come through the Boston area, and I for one have heard quite enough of Inferno, Evolution, and Of Sins and Shadows.

Look, it's a weird time for a tour anyway; at best it can be rationalized as a "let's remind the world that Symphony X is around since we've been in a cave writing the new album for what feels like centuries" sort of endeavor. That sort of thing is accomplished no matter WHAT you play live; if a person has committed to come see the band, the "I shouldn't forget to buy the new album" refresher that comes with it is wholly independent of the set list. Other than that, what are you going to do? Bring on new fans? You're not going to get too many new fans at a show not in support of a new album. I'd say you're looking at 98% fully committed, well established Symphony X fans attending this leg (unless you want to make the argument that you're still trying to win over the Nevermore fanbase, which I think has already been accomplished as much as it ever would be via Gigantour).

In that respect, come on guys, let's hear Damnation Game, Dressed to Kill, Church of the Machine... or go even rarer for all I care. Just don't make this one another: First three tracks from Paradise Lost, Inferno, Evolution, Smoke and Mirrors, Sea of Lies, Sins and Shadows, g'nite. Been there, heard that, ready for something new.
Just don't make this one another: First three tracks from Paradise Lost, Inferno, Evolution, Smoke and Mirrors, Sea of Lies, Sins and Shadows, g'nite. Been there, heard that, ready for something new.

I complete 100% agree. If I never heard the band play any of those songs again (sans Domination because I find it to have so much live energy) I would be happy.

In that respect, come on guys, let's hear Damnation Game, Dressed to Kill, Church of the Machine... or go even rarer for all I care.

If I recall, they did play one of those Damnation Game tracks (forget which one) at some shows during the second leg of the PL tour in 2008. And yeah, Church of the Machine is killer, and would fit in with the theme of the new album, anyway.

Realistically, I'd love to hear any of the following:

The Damnation Game
Dressed to Kill
Out of the Ashes
The Relic
Orion - the Hunter
Absence of Light
A Fool's Paradise
Accolade (medley)
King of Terrors

I'm particularly partial to those two hidden games from TIO. Anyway, I doubt we'll get even one of the above.
Looking at the setlists from the Euro tour, it looks like in the 9times I'll have seen Symphony X, it'll be atleast the 7th time hearing multiple songs. With all the killer material they have, they really SHOULD be doing the Dream Theater way of mixing up the setlist nightly, never playing the same set twice. They are more than capable of doing it.
I complete 100% agree. If I never heard the band play any of those songs again (sans Domination because I find it to have so much live energy) I would be happy.

If I recall, they did play one of those Damnation Game tracks (forget which one) at some shows during the second leg of the PL tour in 2008. And yeah, Church of the Machine is killer, and would fit in with the theme of the new album, anyway.

Realistically, I'd love to hear any of the following:

The Damnation Game
Dressed to Kill
Out of the Ashes
The Relic
Orion - the Hunter
Absence of Light
A Fool's Paradise
Accolade (medley)
King of Terrors

I'm particularly partial to those two hidden games from TIO. Anyway, I doubt we'll get even one of the above.

I would be quite content with that exact setlist. I don't even mind the first three tracks from PL, I think Set the World on Fire and Domination are both completely badass live, and since they are newer I am not worn out on them. But I think I have heard Inferno at least 10 times live now. That's quite enough.

As a really out there alternative how about the following:

Divine Wings of Tragedy
Through the Looking Glass
The Odyssey

Think about it this way; on a tour promoting a new album there is no possible way to justify sacrificing a huge slot of time to do an epic from a past album. There will likely NEVER be another reasonable opportunity to play any of these old epics, save perhaps a headlining gig at Progpower or something of that nature. But this tour is a rare opportunity to do something unique.
They just started playing Evolution for the first time again in years, and you're already sick of it? I've seen them play the Odyssey more than I've seen them play Evolution.
They just started playing Evolution for the first time again in years, and you're already sick of it? I've seen them play the Odyssey more than I've seen them play Evolution.

I guess I just never cared for Evolution that much. If they're going to play a shorter song from V, I recommend Fallen, Absence of Light, or A Fool's Paradise. Why they've never played the last two are beyond me.
One question I have is how long will the Symphony X set be? I would like to see 1-1/2 to 2 hours.
Although with 5 bands that might not be realistic. They could drop 2 of those bands and play longer.
I've seen Powerglove and they are entertaining. Get rid of Soilwork and Blackguard. I don't really
have a preference for a setlist but Church Of The Machine, Divine Wings, and anything from V and
The Odyssey would be cool. Plus the new songs. I have heard that there might be a fall tour which would be supporting Iconoclast. Then I would like to see Sym X plus one special guest.
I would rather them have just three bands play, to let the bands have more time. Blackguard is ok, but not what I want to see. Let me have 2 hours of SymX and 2 hours of Nevermore, and I would be very happy.
I obviously need to move to the US... I've only seen them 4 times: twice now in march in the UK and twice when they were in Norway opening for lesser bands (03 and 07). I would have seen them once more at Sweden Rock but they cancelled...and I bought the ticket just to see them:bah: And I should probably count myself lucky, because there are a ton of fans out there that have never seen them live, simply because they don't visit those countries (yet!). I get the point of this thread, don't get me wrong, but I just envy anyone who can say they have seen them so many times that some of the songs actually bore them... But I'll come back to the UK in the fall for the Iconoclast tour! Maybe two or three shows then as well:Spin: I'm still living in the hope that one day I'll hear them play the odyssey live.
I obviously need to move to the US... I've only seen them 4 times: twice now in march in the UK and twice when they were in Norway opening for lesser bands (03 and 07). I would have seen them once more at Sweden Rock but they cancelled...and I bought the ticket just to see them:bah: And I should probably count myself lucky, because there are a ton of fans out there that have never seen them live, simply because they don't visit those countries (yet!). I get the point of this thread, don't get me wrong, but I just envy anyone who can say they have seen them so many times that some of the songs actually bore them... But I'll come back to the UK in the fall for the Iconoclast tour! Maybe two or three shows then as well:Spin: I'm still living in the hope that one day I'll hear them play the odyssey live.

I've always assumed that Symphony X was far more popular in Europe than the US; stateside everyone just seems to love screaming super-heavy non-melodic downtuned crap metal. You're from Sweden, right? If it makes you feel any better I've only seen them six times, with two of them in my hometown (which was odd since it's not a big town). And it's not that I'm just sick of the songs listed, it's that they've played most of them at every show they've ever played (since each song's respective album has been out, anyway).

And for those of you who think six times is a lot, Symphony X is one of three bands I would ever spend money to see (the others being Opeth and Seventh Wonder if the latter ever gets their asses over to the US). Not a big fan of concerts.

With all the killer material they have, they really SHOULD be doing the Dream Theater way of mixing up the setlist nightly, never playing the same set twice. They are more than capable of doing it.

I completely agree. I doubt they'll ever do that, though, at least not completely. They might swap half the set out here or there, but not the way DT does it.

One question I have is how long will the Symphony X set be? I would like to see 1-1/2 to 2 hours.
Although with 5 bands that might not be realistic. They could drop 2 of those bands and play longer.

Probably an hour. Yep, I know. Remember that they're co-headlining with Nevermore. I just wish that if they were going to have support bands that they weren't all crap (never could get into Nevermore, but I never liked thrash). I know Symphony X doesn't pick the other bands themselves, but they need more bands that sound like Symphony X, or are at least in the same sub-genre. As much as I don't like Epica, I thought that they were a better fit last tour because at least they have keyboards and symphonic elements. I just fear that Symphony X is trying too hard to pull in the "general metal" crowd sometimes. Metal isn't all the same...
Symphony X is one of three bands I would ever spend money to see (the others being Opeth and Seventh Wonder if the latter ever gets their asses over to the US).

Probably an hour. Yep, I know. Remember that they're co-headlining with Nevermore. I just wish that if they were going to have support bands that they weren't all crap (never could get into Nevermore, but I never liked thrash). I know Symphony X doesn't pick the other bands themselves, but they need more bands that sound like Symphony X, or are at least in the same sub-genre. As much as I don't like Epica, I thought that they were a better fit last tour because at least they have keyboards and symphonic elements. I just fear that Symphony X is trying too hard to pull in the "general metal" crowd sometimes. Metal isn't all the same...

I would love to see Opeth. They have quickly become a favorite of mine. Too bad Seventh Wonder
aren't on this tour.

Do you think only an hour? I would hope for longer but I would also take 10 minutes if that's all there was! Will Symphony X be last? If they aren't, alot of people will clear out once they finish.
I might stay for one song from Nevermore if that's the case. I enjoyed Epica on the last tour. I like
Amanda Somerville. She substituted for Simone Simons. I know that Circus Maximus opened for
Symphony X a few years ago and that would be a great show now. I know what you mean about the general metal crowd. The last time I saw Sym X, a bunch of boneheads succeeded in creating
a mosh pit. Not that I don't like to mosh, just not at a Sym X show.
Do you think only an hour? I would hope for longer but I would also take 10 minutes if that's all there was! Will Symphony X be last? If they aren't, alot of people will clear out once they finish. I might stay for one song from Nevermore if that's the case.

Well that's how long they played on the first leg of the tour in Europe over the past month or so. I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that Symphony X played before Nevermore, but they're both playing the same length. I also heard a rumor that Symphony X will be the closing act on the US leg, but I'm not sure what to believe! Probably depends which band has sold more albums in the US...

As for the set time, watch the interview that Marwen posted with MJR a few posts up. He explains that they were only able to play shorter songs because of the hour-long set time. This is obviously disheartening to a Symphony X fan like myself who cares nothing about Nevermore, but they are a band that is probably just as popular as Symphony X (I think) so it wouldn't really be fair if they played only 30 minutes or something.

They need less bands! Five bands is insane! If they only had the usual three than I'm sure Symphony X would get to play longer...
At least you get to see them! Plenty of places in the world they haven't been to, and international trips to see a 60 minute set aren't really feasible.
At least you get to see them! Plenty of places in the world they haven't been to, and international trips to see a 60 minute set aren't really feasible.

I do feel fortunate to get to see them. I know they don't go everywhere they have fans. They should
have gone to Sweden, Finland, and Norway on this tour. Those countries are so close to Denmark.
You would think 3-5 more shows could have been added. Where do you live? We need to start a
thread to lobby for shows in places they don't go or haven't been!
I've always assumed that Symphony X was far more popular in Europe than the US; stateside everyone just seems to love screaming super-heavy non-melodic downtuned crap metal. You're from Sweden, right? If it makes you feel any better I've only seen them six times, with two of them in my hometown (which was odd since it's not a big town). And it's not that I'm just sick of the songs listed, it's that they've played most of them at every show they've ever played (since each song's respective album has been out, anyway).

Ok, I get your point:) They have said that they would love to play some other stuff which sounds great in the studio, but somehow does not work live. Maybe that's the reason they never play some of their songs in shows. I'm unfortunately from Norway. They never friggin' go there! The only reason I've gotten to see them more than twice is because I'm in the UK until June, so I celebrated my 10th year as a fan by going to two shows here. Unforgettable!:grin: So I have decided to screw the cost and come to the UK whenever they tour and see two or three shows every time. That's dedication for you...or insanity, both work:loco:
im not being too picky with this years tour. but all i want is Evolution (two times ive seen them and have not heard it) and another old song that isnt smoke, inferno, sins and shadows or sea of lies. ill take anything at this point.
Where do you live? We need to start a
thread to lobby for shows in places they don't go or haven't been!
Australia - which has been listed in the past on their website as being on their tour agenda but which hasn't happened yet.

I was *that close* to flying up to Bangkok to see them last year, which is the closest they've got, but the timing just didn't work out.