What are you doing at this moment?

Well you can say that about every other character except maybe Shujinko that has a lot of special moves, but for example Scorpion lol comeoverhere uppercut hellfire lol comeoverhere uppercut hellfire, the game is boring if you always do the same but if you use all your attacks and moves it can be very fun.
What. The. Fuck.


Oh fuck off.
I only said that because he'd said in the ontopic section somewhere he was going to see cob soon and since that's the only gig he mentioned on the board I was reasonably assuming it was that one..Yes,I'm interested in cob gigs and what the people who spend the majority of their time on the ontopic section talking about the band thought about the shows.

Looking at the guys username that's probably not too far from the truth

Phenom I'm actually female and my username has nothing in the slightest to do with cob..just because I have an Alexi avatar that I'm not too fond of anyway, you just assume they're the only band I listen to,wtf..
Just put up 2 guitar wall hangers on my wall, one for my Stars RR and one for my Ukulele. Next up is the one for teh bass.

Also admiring all the stuff I ordered.
Waiting for a phone call that hopefully comes, and digesting some chicken fries (I feel fuckin greasy right now :/).
And what does Kirk Wahmmett have to do with this? :err:

Obviously everything.
The more mistakes Kirk Hammet makes live, the less often greasy CoB fans grab my by the shirt at their concerts and yell "ARE YOU DEAD YET!?!?!?! HUH!?!?!?! ARE YOUOOOUOUU!!?!?!?" when I'm trying to watch the fucking band play (true story)

Last time I saw CoB was in 06, and Alexi fucked up nearly every solo.
Maybe Hammet sucks more (I wouldn't know, hence why my screen name isn't KirkHammet), but that doesn;t change that Alexi still sucks.

I really hope hes pulled his head out of his ass since then.

Night plans have cancelled so people are over, and I'm alternating between cooking/videogames/forums/keeping the crackheads at bay.
Phenom I'm actually female and my username has nothing in the slightest to do with cob..just because I have an Alexi avatar that I'm not too fond of anyway, you just assume they're the only band I listen to,wtf..

Phenom was talking about the other guy.
You just assume you're the only person on the board with retarded comments, wtf.
Phenom was talking about the other guy.

Well it's alright then! I was skimming through the thread and didn't read it properly in context, sorry for the misinterpretation Phenom! :)

On topic-
Being too tired and generally uninterested in spending time arguing with condescending,pretentious internetfags with musical superiority complexes.