What are you doing at this moment?

I'm putting my converses on so I can go out & buy FOOD. cause I'm fucking starving.
Nothing. Experience. This kind of schools is way too expensive for what they teach. They are fine only if you're a teen who doesn't know shit in sound engineering with filthy rich parents (which represents most of the students).
cuz i wanted to study it

fighting hard to stay awake at work.
off to festival tomorrow so time couldn't go any slower atm.

Also watching a video of the BNP leader Nick Griffin getting pelted with eggs after winning seats in the European Election
because some county near where I live has voted BNP into their counsil.

I sense a disturbance in the force
I was at the Marilyn Manson show yesterday. Even though other people might think he's a commercial musician this show was the show of the year for me (apart from Dornenreich maybe).

I just went nuts on our front porch...with a crowbar. Was extremely fun! You guys should seriously try it! Nothing like smashing out boarding with a crowbar/sledgehammer :cool:

Nothing. Experience. This kind of schools is way too expensive for what they teach. They are fine only if you're a teen who doesn't know shit in sound engineering with filthy rich parents (which represents most of the students).
