What are you doing at this moment?

Feeling frozen to bone after having been caught in the heaviest rain ever. Also, looking like you're fresh out of shower (and no, I don't mean naked) in the middle of the subway is not cool.
Feeling frozen to bone after having been caught in the heaviest rain ever. Also, looking like you're fresh out of shower (and no, I don't mean naked) in the middle of the subway is not cool.

Haha for real, yesterday had the most intense thunderstorm i've experienced in my whole life, i wonder whats with the weather these days.

Not only did it pour down like an ocean fell down from the sky, but the lightning was so intense that electricity started arcing out of outlets and shit like that, i had to duck for cover and punch out all my fuses and bail for the car, it was pretty lame haha
Haha for real, yesterday had the most intense thunderstorm i've experienced in my whole life, i wonder whats with the weather these days.

Not only did it pour down like an ocean fell down from the sky, but the lightning was so intense that electricity started arcing out of outlets and shit like that, i had to duck for cover and punch out all my fuses and bail for the car, it was pretty lame haha

Aye, that happened to me when i was like 9. I thought I was going to shit my fucken pants! There was electricity arcing out of the outlets, the lamps, the cooking platforms(or wtf they are called).
Haha for real, yesterday had the most intense thunderstorm i've experienced in my whole life, i wonder whats with the weather these days.

Not only did it pour down like an ocean fell down from the sky, but the lightning was so intense that electricity started arcing out of outlets and shit like that, i had to duck for cover and punch out all my fuses and bail for the car, it was pretty lame haha

Woah! Seriously? Do you live far from Oslo?
Where I live, we haven't had any thunder or lightning at all. No rain either D: Not a friggin drop. Only sun, sun and sun. Hot as hell. I really do hope it starts raining soon, because things (vegetation, animals, us humans++) need that now I bet xD
You think that 31 degrees is hot?Last year it was 44 degrees here,i felt like vampire cause i couldnt make myself go out of house before midnight.It was simply too fucking hot.
Not here in Ireland. Not that it is really cold or anything, but this morning I considered taking a jumper ;) So nice after hot hot hot (did I say hot?) Spain :D

EDIT: Here sitting at my host family's house enjoying their wireless connection and about to have some cereals and head off to my bedroom to get some nice sleep which I didn't get last night :lol:
Woah! Seriously? Do you live far from Oslo?
Where I live, we haven't had any thunder or lightning at all. No rain either D: Not a friggin drop. Only sun, sun and sun. Hot as hell. I really do hope it starts raining soon, because things (vegetation, animals, us humans++) need that now I bet xD

æ e trønder æ, alljes itj attme oslo si æ ;)
The worst thing abt living here is weather.No matter how hot summer can be,winter can be awful.Not so much as in Scandinavian countries i guess,but -20 is kinda horrible.
ka faan e fra schørdarn du ja, bynnjt å lur på koffor du va så fette rar å fra oslo, men så va du trønder læll da vett, da ga de mening vett