What are you doing at this moment?

Sitting at my host family's sitting room wondering what the fuck am I going to do with myself this evening. I have to go out and check my students go home in time, but I am really not feeling like it, I'd rather stay in and watch TV or something :erk:
Came home recently after i was out with my fathers car and some pals, drove to the bandoned air port that is about 20km away... anyhow, we ended up deep in a forest and some scenes from both friday the 13th and Wrong turn where poping up in the head XD.. was so familiar, a road where you had to make a turn and we choose the wrong one and ended up somewhere..

Anyhow, we turned around and drove home, went to Mc Donalds and cruised around the town and watched nice looking girls :saint:

Back home now sitting and drinking coke and litsening to Swedish bitpop!
cute, just got the driving license?
driving (good cars) is awesome, but I will never be the guy who drives the drunk fuckers around/home:lol:
^I thought you were gonna say to go out on a date.

Chewing a huge bubble gum.
Had a hangover all day long... fuck..

Had to be helped back home yesterday, so fucking drunk can't remember it all... like stappled all over and outside and shit... :S

Quite good now but... a bit ashamed now that i have heart the most of it from yesterday..